||Only a mask||

448 12 4

• rape

It was a normal Friday afternoon like every other, the raven haired boy went to pops to continue writing one of his new fanfictions and around 5pm he closed his laptop and left the diner. Because it was already fall, it was getting dark outside. This was just a normal day.

The walk to the Southside, to his fathers Trailer, was actually quiet fearing... dark alleyways, walking through a forest for half the walk, places where no one can hear you but the raven haired boy wasn't scared. Being the son of the Serpent king gives you some reputation. Some good, no one would stick up to him and with his other Serpent friends he was unreachable. Not even Reggie would dare to start a fight with Jughead if his friends from the other side were around.

But today, even he will notice that no, he is not unreachable. It's not like he already sort of knew that. He wasn't that emotionless and strong. He is breaking under the pressure and cries himself to sleep every night. Of course, no one knew about this. Only his true friends, the teenage Serpents his same age, he hangs out with and some redhead from the northside. And lately he found himself in the arms of the ginger almost every night of the week, Archie Andrews grew to be his rock in the stormy sea over the last month.

So, of course he didn't think much about it when he got dragged by his arm and as he got pulled in an alleyway, he didn't think either. Also as he felt something cold around his wrist, he didn't think bad. When he got pulled against something and heard the sound of cuffs, he still wasn't worried either. What made him worry was when his lips met some other lips. That was when he realised that something was going wrong. Some stranger kissed him and was definitely in for more, he was handcuffed against a rubbish container. His shirt was tried to be thrown off but he still tried to push - whoever it was - away from him but there was no point in it. Whoever it was, was bigger and stronger.

The raven haired boy looked at the person, now really getting his shirt thrown off. It was a woman in her early twenties, she had long black curly hair, her skin was pale except from her rosy cheeks, she had curves and she was beautiful, for sure but her intentions right now weren't. The boy tried to scream but his voice got muffled by a tongue in his mouth.

"Be quiet, no one is going to hear you anyways" she unbuckled the belt of his pants and then stripped them off of him. Jughead tried to kick the woman but it was no use, he was too weak. He tried again, to run away, to kick, to scratch, to do something to stop this, but the cuffs only slit deeper in his wrists. He winced in pain and then just let it happen. He didn't even scream or protested in any way anymore, as also his boxers were getting stripped off, tears streaming down his face as the woman went further - he just let it happen and tried to disconnect himself from the body as much as he could.

When he came back, it was quiet. He just sat there in the alleyway, still letting himself cry while he now lost all of his strength and just sobbed uncontrollable. He didn't know why, nor was his brain even able to progress the thing of what happened. Minutes went by but he didn't look on at the time. His father was probably already worried about him and that's why he tried to calm himself down. He had started hyperventilating before but now just tried to take long breathes, even though. Another two minutes or so went by till his breathing was at least calm and that's when he noticed, he wasn't even handcuffed anymore. He had to get his act on again, he can't show emotion. Jughead took a deep breath, letting out a last sob before sniffing and then wiping the back of his hand over his face to win the tears. He got up, having to support himself on the trash container before shakily grabbing his stuff together and then trying to put it on as quickly as possible.

He just had to get out of here.

He didn't know where to go. He surely couldn't go back home now, he looked too messed up, he couldn't possibly put on his facade again and his father would see right through him. He couldn't let that happen. So the only place that he could think of to go was the redhead's. He took a shaky breath and then searched for his phone in order to text his father that he would be at Archie's for the night.

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