||Fight for us||

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Archie had a normal morning. His alarm woke him up, he got ready for school, ate breakfast and then soon he was off to the meeting point, where he and Jughead, his boyfriend, met up almost every day, to then walk the rest of the way to school together.

He already was five minutes late upon arriving but since Jughead still wasn't there, he just simply continued to listen to his music, humming to the tune and talking his feet to the beat.

He at least did that until someone grabbed his shoulder, pulling him down on the ground. Though he didn't land as hard as he thought he would but therefore someone groaned. Archie sat up, turning around, only to see Jughead laying on the ground and rubbing his head.


"What the hell happened...?" Archie asked confused, standing up and then reaching out his hand to help Jughead. The boy glared at him though then gave him his hand and Archie pulled him up. It's not like it was his fault that they ended up on the ground.

"What happened? You almost got hit by a fucking car! If I wouldn't have pushed you away, you could be dead by now"

"I'm sorry, but there was no car, Jug"

"Because you always listen to your Goddamn music, Archie! You never hear a thing there" Archie sighed, driving a hand through his slightly messed up hair. Jug head may have accepted that he wouldn't get his hair under control anymore but Archie wasn't there yet, hopefully never will. Don't get him wrong, he loved the soft curls, but he didn't see himself pulling that off. Jughead exhaled relieved and then hugged him.

"I'm sorry, Jug, okay?"

"I know" he sighed again but then pulled away, only to cup Archie's face and then kiss him.

"We have to be careful, Jug. No one can see us..." the redhead mumbled.

"I know but I don't want to hide anymore, Archie. I want to go on a real date. Not only at your house... And I know what I said when we started this, okay? That I wouldn't want us to be official, ever, because of dad and people at School, but i don't care anymore. I'm tired of hiding. I know that people would do everything to take us apart again, but come on, they're already doing it, so why not go publi? I want to be your boyfriend, Archie, in dark room but also everywhere else"

"We should go to school, Jug" Archie instead said, seeing the disappointment in Jughead's eyes but right now, he just couldn't do it. He couldn't tell him that he didn't want to out their relationship, yet. To be honest, he was glad when Jughead said that he never wanted them to go public. He didn't have to worry about telling his friends or his father. Because, even though Fred never gave him a reason, he was afraid of rejection. He could handle it from his friends but not his own father, that would be too much. He just couldn't tell them that he wasn't straight.

"Yeah, I guess that we should..." Jughead mumbled, starting to walk and Archie followed him. As the Jughead walked, he slowly felt a hand reaching for his, just a grasp at first but then Archie intertwined their fingers. Jughead smiled slightly, not being able to think too much anymore. Though when they were close to Riverdale High School, they let go of each other's hand. Archie sighed, hated to see Jughead pout, because it was just too cute. Archie had his puppy eyes and Jughead had his pout.

"Fine, tomorrow we will not only meet in dark room anymore, okay? But let's not rub it in other's faces, okay? if someone asks, we will say the truth. Is that okay for you?" the boy nodded, smiling.

"I didn't want more either" they started to walk away again but then Archie saw the car again. The car from the street, the one that almost hit him. It parked and then none other but Reggie Mantle stepped out of the car. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jughead glaring at him. He tried to stop him by grabbing his arm, but the raven haired boy got out of his grasp and marched over to Reggie.

"Jug, wait!" Archie yelled but the other didn't reply and just walked over to the car.

"Reggie, did you purposely tried to hit Archie?!" Jughead yelled, grabbing Reggie's jacket and turning him around.

"What are you talking about?" Reggie asked, playing innocent, though a smirk played on his face.

"Do you think I wouldn't recognize your damn car?!"

"What are you so mad about?"

"You tried to hit my b-... my friend!" he looked over at the redhead but he just stood there in shook. Reggie noticed their looks.

"Friend, or boyfriend, Jughead? Because I think that you two are fucking" Jughead stopped, letting go of Reggie and instead looking for his boyfriend, waiting for an answer. But Archie just stood there. Should he now try to deny it or just try to be honest and say the truth, tell him that they were dating.He knew that some people around them were now just waiting for something to happen.

"So it's true, good to know. Now we know why Andrews can't keep a girl, he's in love with his best friend"

And then Jughead just punched him.

He was fine with Reggie saying mean stuff to him. He was used to that by now, it wasn't anything new. Archie however wasn't. And Jughead wouldn't let that happened. Given, he already was mad at him for trying and hit Archie with his car. Outing them was only the tip of the iceberg. And when he was mad, Jughead tended to punch things, especially when those things threatened his partner. But whenever he did that, he often forgot that he wasn't really that good at fights because he was mostly smaller and also not so strong.

"Reggie it is enough! Let him go!" Archie yelled, prying Reggie off of him. Jughead hasn't even realised that he was on the ground yet. But once Reggie was off of him, he just quickly got up again. The football captain just smirked, leaning closer to Archie.

"I already knew it, Andrews between you two. But don't worry, soon he will be mine"

"What?" Archie questioned, though Reggie just walked away. Confused, he looked after him but then rather helped up Jughead, making sure that everything was okay with him.

"Everything okay?" Jughead shook his head.

"No, it's not. I'm so sorry, Archie. I didn't know what to do and now he outed you..."

"It's okay, Juggy. We wanted to do it tomorrow anyways, didn't we?" he nodded. Archie sighed, hugging him. They wanted to make it public anyways, right? So this shouldn't be a problem to him. But now everyone know, or at least by tomorrow they will. And then his father...

Yes, Archie wanted to make it public but not like this. He wanted to make it subtle, maybe tell Veronica and Bett first to make sure that he had at least two people, who would support him. Then maybe his father... or some other people at school.

But now everyone would know.

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