||I want to live||

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• Jughead with CF being sick during a class trip
• This was definitely not something that we dreamed

Jughead had a normal life. Yes, usually when he had a cold it crushed him for weeks but they didn't think much about it. When he got diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at the age of thirteen — and his mother left at the same time — his life turned. Suddenly he wasn't allowed to leave to go to most school trips. Suddenly, as soon as he developed a fever, it was another month in the hospital. Suddenly he missed more school days than he was there and most of his friend eventually turned their backs.

He couldn't miss out on his senior trip though. He just couldn't. After morning rounds at 7, he quickly got out of bed and grabbed his bag. Acting as casual as he could, he was out before anyone noticed — thankfully. Taking the bus, he was barely on time to get to the bus.

"Jughead, so glad that you could make it. We were already worried" Mrs. Haggly greeted, smiling softly while Coach Kleats already took the bag off the panting boy.

"Do you have the allowance paper from your father?"

"Yeah, of course" He made him sign it before the fever started and he had to go to the hospital. Jughead bent down to his backpack and grabbed out the slip, handing it to the teacher.

"Okay, then go pick a seat, yeah?" He nodded and grabbed his backpack before heading in the bus.

The ride was okay. When they arrived, they all sat up camp and had dinner at the bonfire. In the morning they went down to the lake and had even more fun. Everything was fine. Yes, he was out of breath and dizzy but everything was fine.

Until it wasn't.

"Jughead! Hey, can you hear me??" Someone yelled and he groaned, eyes fluttering open.


"Oh thank God. You just passed out, Jughead" Mrs. Haggly exclaimed, standing in front of him, surrounded by classmates.

"Don't worry, I already called 911"

"Ugh... no, why...? I'm fine. I'm fine" He said, sitting up slowly. Everything swam as he had troubles to breathe, so he pressed a hand down on his chest, coughing.

"Easy there, lay back down, Jughead"

"I'm fine, I told you. I can't go to the hospital. They will make me stay again and then I can't come with you"

"But it's better for your health. Let's go pack your things, okay?" She suggested "You just stay here and try to breathe, yeah? Ethel will make sure that you stay awake, right?" She asked, turning her face to look at the redhead. Ethel nodded and stepped forward before sitting down in front of Jughead.

"Don't come too close, I'm fine"

He had passed out before the helicopter came. He didn't get much of the ride though, sleeping through most of it. It wasn't until he was back in his room when he came to it again, chest tight and head throbbing.

"Jughead, hey, you awake?" His father asked, his hand giving his own a soft squeeze. Jughead groaned as a reply, only slowly opening his eyes.

"Dad...?" His voice was hoarse. Jughead coughed lightly, trying to get rid of some of the mucus to breathe better.

"Yeah, I'm here. How are you feeling, kiddo?"

"Like someone is sitting on my chest"

"What were you thinking, Jughead?? Running away and then with a fever too! It could have been so much worse"

"It was down to 37℃ yesterday. I thought that I would be fine"

"You can't just do that, Jughead, especially not alone. What would have happened if you passed out on the way to the hospital?"

Jarchie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now