||Why would you do this?||

256 10 1

• suicidal thoughts
• sh
• forced outing
• bullying

Archie had a new idea. An idea that would probably end his best friend's life — but did he still do it? Of course he did.

It was September the 1st, second school day of the new school year, and Jughead had already pranked him multiple times. His hair was now purple and the next class he sat down on one egg and the whole class laughed. After this in history, his pen was manipulated and ran on the paper sheet. Third period in P.E. , his clothes magically dissapeared while he was showering and lastly in chemistry, they were experimenting and his lit up in flames, shortly before exploding - which got him a Saturday detention.

After this, he had enough. He was done with those little pranks, even though they've been doing it ever since they went to school, both of them. But now he wanted nothing more but to make this whole thing stop, nothing more. And he went over the border with it. He knew that there was a slightly chance that it would ruin Jughead's life, for a little bit, but he still did it.

"I'm so gonna nail this" he mumbled to himself before logging in on his laptop and then opening a new tab. Archie opened Wattpad and gave in a random username and e-mail address to then search for Jughead's username. He needed a couple of tries, the memory of the name a bit foggy since his friend told him it when he was drunk.

Finally finding the account, Archie smiled. He clicked on the share symbol and then send it to Reggie.

Maybe he should have thought about that before though. Maybe then he would have realized that it wasn't such a good idea to share Jughead's Wattpad channel to his bully. Or maybe he should have read some of the stories first - because then he would have found out some of those secrets of his best friend.

But now all of them were plastered on the lockers.

Jughead wrote stories.

Not only +18 boyxboy.

But also stories about him and Archie.

Jughead woke up. A normal school day. He shut off his alarm and then got up, putting on usual clothes — a shirt, black skinny skin, flannel around his waist and Sherpa jacket on. Then he walked over to the bathroom to brush his teeth and style his hair before topping it with his iconic crown beanie. On his way out of the trailer, he grabbed an apple and then started to walk over to Riverdale High, listening to music to pass the time. Something seemed off when he walked on school grounds. However, he chose to ignore it, like he usually did and just walked inside. Stepping inside, the first thing that he noticed was a poster, taped on the door, of a passage of his story.

≫Hey guys,
guess who did something really stupid when meeting up his crush? Okay, so I met up with A.A. and then we played Mario Cart and I won and then we had a play fight and then I almost kissed him.
Somebody save me from my own stupidity≪

His breath got stuck in his throat. That was from his Story. Someone found his Wattpad account and printed out things. This print was only the start. Even the dream that he had about Archie, where they kissed and then had a make out, was printed out. Everything was out for everyone to see. And on his locker were a bunch of those prints. He tried to take it down but Reggie was already on his way over to him.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't Donny Darko himself. You know, I was surprised when I found out that our internet troll was actually in love with his best friend" Jughead backed up to his locker, as Reggie walked even closer to him, pushing him the last bit, his back colliding with the metal, him groaning "But you know what surprised me the most? That Archie send it to me. What kind of friend does this? Does he know that you like him? That you have had wet dreams about him?"

"Just fuck off, Reggie" he tried to keep up his posture. Have some sort of confidence left in him. But he didn't, not really at least. So he was at least a bit relieved when he heard Archie's voice. The other part of him was not so happy though. The part of him, who was mad because Archie just outed him to his whole school - indirectly.

"Just leave him alone, Reggie" he mumbled, glaring at the football captain as he shoved him aside. Though then his face softened upon turning around to face Jughead "Jug- I'm... I'm so sorry. I didn't know that he would make such a big deal out of it and I just-"

"Save it, Archie, just leave me alone" he mumbled, scoffing as he pushed the redhead away from him. After that he just ran off, disappearing in the hallways. Archie could swear that he saw tears building up in his eyes but he didn't dare to follow him, not now at least.

Maybe he did screw up a bit.

Lunch break.

Archie hadn't seen Jughead the whole day, ever since the encounter before first period. But he also didn't search for him, he just paid extra much attention to his surrounding the whole day. Jughead was nowhere to be found. He wasn't somewhere in the hallway. He wasn't at his locker. He wasn't in the bathroom and he also wasn't in class. He lied and told the teachers that he was sick. The only hope was the Blue&Gold or Pops. And because he was still in school and couldn't just leave now, he went for the Blue&Gold. If he wasn't there, he could still go to Pops after school or go to Southside and find him.

Archie hesitated for a second, checking the hallway for a second, just to make sure that no one from importance was looking, before he opened the door and slipped inside. He closed the door behind him and then looked around the room. And surely, there he was. Jughead was curled up in a ball in the corner, back pressed against the wall and knees pulled to his chest. His whole body shook when he let out yet another sob. His eyes were bloodshot and his nose red, beanie somewhere forgotten on the floor. His hair was a mess, caused by him tucking on it - which he still did. One sleeve was rolled up, his forearm covered in cuts and blood.

"Jug, I... I-" Archie stuttered, though Jughead cut him off, looking up with nothing but a glare.

"You what?? Are you sorry? Yeah, well, this isn't going to cut it this time. Archie, you- This was too far! You outed me to the whole school with this! I told you about my Wattpad account, in secret, because I thought that I could trust you! I just don't- I don't understand this! Is this some pay back for yesterday? You know that we- We always joked around"

"You dyed my hair and got me detention!"

"That's no reason for you to out me, Archie! This is taking things too far, okay?? I never used one of your secrets for a prank! I always kept them because we are friends! I thought that- I- I didn't tell anyone that you're bi, at least not until you did it yourself! I didn't tell anyone that you sprained your wrist because of music and not because of football! I didn't tell anyone about your family problems either! I never crossed a fucking line, Archie, did I?"

"No. No, you didn't. I'm really sorry. I didn't know that... I didn't think that he would make such a big deal out of it"

"Not a- You outed me, Archie! You fucking gave Reggie, who has been bullying me for years, the link to my account, where you know that I post secret stuff! You just didn't think! You never do, Archie! I- I can't walk out of there again! They already hated me before but now I'm not only the loser but the fucking gay loser, who writes fanfictions about his crush in school! Do you know how this is going to affect me??" Jughead stood up, stumbled and seemed to be falling. Archie headed over to him to catch him but he shied away, holding onto the table instead.

"Don't you fucking dare, Archie"

"I'm sorry, I thought that you were going to fall..."

"I'm... I'm going home..."

"Let me call my dad and then he can pick you up... I don't want you to walk home the whole way anymore. Let me do this, okay?" Jughead hesitated, eyeing him, though then his gaze dropped and he nodded.

"...okay..." Archie nodded, taking out his phone to call Fred, asking him if he could pick up Jughead, briefly explaining what happened - leaving out the part of it being his fault. Then he ended the call. Ten minutes later, Fred's truck pulled in the driveway and parked. But Archie refused to let Jughead leave until it had rang for class. Once they had driven off, he returned to class.

Jarchie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now