||We are safe||

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• This is set after the showdown (so alternative 2x22) and everything happened canon except that Jughead and Archie are together
• vulnerable Jughead
• Panic attack

"Archie, stop! Ow! Archie stop, please!" Jughead cried, trying to withdraw his arms from his boyfriend.

"Juggy, I have to. Doctor orders, every two hours for the first four days. After that it's only in the morning and evening... come on, we are done soon" Archie said, trying to soothe the pain — in more than one way. But it seemed like the panthenol cream hurt him even more than it actually helped.

After Jughead had sacrificed himself to the Ghoulies to avoid a war between the gangs, he had woken up in the hospital, in pain — but thankfully he had some beautiful painkillers then. Those painkillers were gone, now that he was released. He spend his days at the Andrews house until he was better. FP visited him at least once a day as well, though Jughead mostly just laid in Archie's arms, having his eyes closed and trying to forget. Jughead would even forget to take his pain killers if he wasn't there to remind him.

"Ow, ow ow! Archie stop, please! It hurts!" Jughead continued to cry, tears rolling down his face as he tried to bite down on his lip to quieten down the sobs. Archie wanted to listen, stop what he was doing and just pull him in his arms and tell him that it will stop hurting now.

"Okay we are done- we are done, Juggy" Archie finally said, pulling away from him as if he was venomous. He set down the cane with panthenol on the desk and wrapped his boyfriend's arms and legs back in bandages. Jughead let out a sob, collapsing on his boyfriend, groaning in pain again.

"Juggy, turn around for me, please. We need to change the plaster on your stomach" Archie said, trying to turn him around, though Jughead just shook his head, fighting against him in order to stay where he was, leaned on Archie's chest, continuing to cry.

"No, it hurts- Just-" He sobbed again, burring his head deeper "please, just- just..."

"Okay, but then we change it before noon. Deal?" Jughead just nodded, continuing to cry, sobs shaking his whole body. Archie couldn't do anything else except for what he did those past few days: comfort him and try to make things okay again. Jughead had been more sensitive ever since he had woken up in the hospital. He cried more easily and had more panic attacks than usually.

"I know, it hurts... But it will be okay..." Archie said softly, combing through his hair with his hand "It will be okay, I'm right here with you. You are safe and you're okay, yeah?" He hummed, sniffing. Archie continued to repeat the same things, continuing to comb through his hair and just hold him.

Anything to make it better.

He was back in the forest. He could feel the muddy ground underneath him and smell the fire already. He was back, at the showdown, ready to get beat up in order to protect those that he loves. It wasn't like that this time though. He stood frozen, feet sinking into the floor as he watched Archie get beat up. Archie, his savior, his anchor. He couldn't move to save him. He could only listen to his screams.

"Archie!" He yelled, trying again, pulling on his shoes for his own damn life but nothing moved. He couldn't run over to him. He couldn't even get a step closer to him.


It was around an hour later when Jughead woke up. He sat upright immediately, looking around as he struggled to find his breath.

Where was Archie?

Where was he?

"Juggy, I'm here" Someone said, hurrying over to him. That was Archie. Archie was here. Thank God "It's okay, you're at mine. You are home, safe. You are not dying. Everything is okay. It was just a nightmare" Archie soothed, coming closer. Jughead shook his head, rocking closer in order to feel for his boyfriend while tears blurred his vision and panic fogged his brain.

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