||Bubbletea Boy||

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• A relationship build between a waiter and a customer
• A little bit of angst
• A bit of bullying bc Reggie is your usual football jock
• hospital and character death and so on
• reference to: abuse, alcoholism, forced outing and homophobia (because Mary Andrews is a b*tch), mental health struggles

The doorbell to Pop's diner jiggled. Archie walked in, looking through the menu when a new section popped up.

"New: Bubbletea" — in bubble letters.

"Hello, what can I get you?" A waiter asked, as he had approached him. Archie looked up, having to freeze as he found out that it was a new waiter. His ink black hair was slightly curled, though mostly covered by a knitted crown looking like beanie. His skin was a beautiful olive shade and his smile looked uncomfortable, if only a tiny bit.

"Uh..." Archie blinked, having to focus back on the menu and not the waiter "I would like a burger menu, with a chocolate milkshake and- uh what's with the Bubble Tea?"

"We have it from today on?" The waiter suggested "Do you want one?"

"Uh... sure, why not? Can you recommend one for me?"

"Depends on what you like" The other deadpanned.

"Well, uh, what options do I have?"

"Pops offers different kinds of bubble tea, you should start there. We offer milk tea, aromatic tea and fruit juice. What would you prefer there?"

"Then... I would take a milk tea, I think"

"Then that section is for you" The waiter said, pointing somewhere on the page to direct him. Archie didn't watch his finger though and instead continued to watch the waiter.

"I'd rather you recommend me"

The waiter huffed softly, though then nodded.

"Of course. You can have milk of various flavors, or you take our special. It's a brown sugar latte"

"That sounds nice. I will take that"

"Sure. I'll be right back with your order"

Ten minutes later, he had returned to the table, serving him food and the two drinks.

"There you go"

"Thank you" Archie said before taking a sip from the Bubble Tea. It really was new. It was probably a lot of sugar but who cared? He was the football captain, so he was allowed some sugar over the day.

He returned the next day, asking for a bubble tea, though this time another flavor. By the next month, he had gone through all the 25 different flavors — he liked the Green Tea/Watermelon combo the best. And even better, he got the name of this new waiter, aside from other information: Jughead. Given, Jughead was a weird name but who cared about a name if he looked fairly attractive?

It was another Friday when Archie entered the diner to get a new bubble tea, except that Jughead was not at the counter or anywhere else in the restaurant. Instead of the cute boy, he went to face a girl.

He nevertheless ordered his Bubble Tea but instead of walking right out, he stayed at the counter. By the time that he had finished his drink, there was still no Jughead in sight.

"Hey, uh... Where is Jughead? Usually, he's working right now, isn't he?" Archie suddenly asked when the waitress was just cleaning the counter as the diner was fairly empty. She stilled, giving him a once over.

"Who wants to know?"


"No, doesn't ring a bell" She didn't even blink.

Jarchie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now