Chapter Four

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"Thanks." I nervously mumble, grabbing the coat and putting it on. I tie up my hair really quickly, and go over to my set up. "Peter--"

"Yeah?" All three of them state.

"I mean Peter Parker--" I state but they all cut me off again.

"Me--or him--us?" Confused, I chuckle and walk over to the one I need.

"Sorry for the confusion boys." I look at his laptop. "So, do you have previous DNA samples of the lizard?"

"Yeah yeah, here." I grab his sample, and examine it. "Anything wrong?"

"No, but this will take a second. Re-organizing the chromosomes, and taking out the reptile cells--I'll need really advanced technology." He quickly shows me his laptop and runs over to my table, connecting wires to my equipment.

"This should be enough." I walk over and gently place the sample down on the microscope.

"Are you kidding? This is perfect." I excitedly say as I run behind the desk. I put on protective goggles and start. 

I zoom up on the DNA watching the unusual behavior. As I attempt to use different liquids to separate or delay the behavior, I feel eyes looking onward. I take a syringe and fill it with anti-venom, I test it on a different reptile sample seeing the affects. I angrily record my observations and watch the laptop examine the reactions. 

"Need any help?" I hear someone whisper. I take off my goggles and push back any stray hair out of my face. "It's alright." He whispers again.

"I'm stumped." I say, I look up seeing his brown eyes meet mine. I choose to ignore it and try to find other samples I've pulled on the table. "This is something I've never seen before, it's terrifying, but incredible."

"Yeah, yeah. Experiment gone wrong, his whole mentality about his evolution just completely--" He's at a loss for words, I smirk and watch him reconsider his next words, biting his lip.

"Insane?" He nods and scratches his head. I watch a notification pop-up onto the laptop, it was a positive reaction. I lean over typing away on the keyboard.

"Is that a bad thing?" I sigh of relief as he leans over my shoulder to understand what I'm looking at.

"Actually I would call it a miracle." I stand up straight and remove my test sample, I quickly place it under the microscope and see the cells going back to normal. I quickly start filling up the empty bottle contraption. "Done! Now we wait and it should be finished." 

"Fill me in, cause I'm lost." He places a hand on the table, continuing to tower over me.

"I tried using different things from his personal sample, but since his cells were combined with whatever he did--there was no exceptions. Although when using a normal lizard reptile sample, I put anti-venom, and--well a lot of other things. It resulted in a counterpart, which reversed it. So I added his personal sample, and it successfully adapted and made normal human cells again." I take a deep breath, and feel my chest relax from the sudden pressure. 

"I'm gonna pretend I understood every word." He lowly chuckles as I playfully punch his arm. I unplug the laptop as the cure continues. I bring it over to my Peter, I look at him having a moment with MJ. I smile and give them their space turning around to the older Peters table.

"Do you like him?" I raise a brow as he stares at me with full content.

"No--jealous mostly." I say with a smile. 

"My senses are telling me that in this're doing just fine." I feel safe and comfortable with him, like it was fate for me to hear that. Everyone crowds around us as we start finishing up, Ned brings Peter web fluid.

"Oh, uhm do you two need any fluid? I could whip some up real quick--" One of them shakes their head, and the other stares in confusion.

"Why?" My Peter looks at the older one confused.

"It's for my web shooters?" He responds. The older Peter then shoots his web beside me hitting a metal rod. 

"Whoa!" We all shout. 

"That came out of you." Ned yells as he leans over the table.

"Yeah. You can't do that huh?" He says to the two other Peters.

"What?! No?!" My Peter says with jealousy.

"How on earth does that even--" The tall Peter says, approaching the older one closer.

"How can your body produce that supplement?" I then ask with curiosity, only for my Peter to nudge me.

"Guys we're getting sidetracked--this location is isolated so no one should get hurt." I look at Ned and MJ, and conjure up a plan for them. "What are you thinking?"

"I have a way to keep these two safe but also help out, but you're gonna have to trust me." I say, he nods.

"I have no other plan so let's do it." I smile brightly and run over swiping the cure from the table.

REFLECTION | Andrew Garfield Spiderman Fanfiction x Reader | SPOILERS AHEADWhere stories live. Discover now