Chapter Nineteen

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"Oh shit." I state, I rip away from the scene and grab her hand.

"You! Him! SPIDER-MAN!" I start dragging her away, as she continues to yell in my ear.

As we approach the stairs, I practically push her up there.

"I have a lot to explain to you." I calmly tell her as she continues to shift her gaze downstairs to my eyes. "Give me a minute." I grab her hand and push her into my room.

"You have been fucking Spider-Man, that man he's...he's...." I cover her mouth as she mumbles against my palm.

"Let me explain!" She slowly nods.

"I'm not from this world." I release my hand form her mouth.

"What drugs did you take!?" She shakes me, as my temper finally reaches its limit. "Whoa..."

"What?!" I shout.

"Y-your eyes...they're gold.." I turn seeing my eyes in the mirror.

"I'm gonna try something alright." She shakes with fear as I grab her head, placing my fingers on her temples.

I flash images of what I've seen and done, exposing my cover to her. I showed her the fight, my arrival to this world, and Peters identity. I release my grasp and her eyes stare into mine.

"I knew you were different, you were nice to me...gentle and kind. You're a different Y/N." I stay silent, scared for the future...scared for Peter. "Your secret is safe with me." She grabs my hands.

"Really?" I ask, she nods with a genuine smile.

"My Y/N was cold, rude and just overall horrible but she was made that way by her Uncle. You have a chance to change her fate here." I smile as she embraces me.

"Thank you, thank you. I was so scared, the only thing I had was a memory, and of course Peter." She separates from me.

"Are you two-?" I cut her off.

"No no we're not, it's just that you caught us at the wrong moment." I say, shrugging both my shoulders. She looks suspicious, but nods. "Well to be honest, what you saw might've change my relationship with him."

"So why did y'all practically start having sex in front of me?" I nudge her.

"The publicity stunt happened and my uncle forced us to kiss, but it was stiff and just gross. So then Peter basically said a re-do because he thought I suck at kissing!" I ramble, as she tries to take it all in.

"Well..?" I heave my chest as I watch her expression.

"Well what?"

"Do you suck at kissing?" I lose my temper again, and feel my powers kick in.

"NO! I don't suck at kissing!" I calm down as she flinched from my embarrassment. "Well, I don't know..."

"Better ask your spider-man boyfriend." I turn towards her, as she reminds me of an important question.

"Could you hide Peters identity for me please? No one can know that he's Spider-Man." She laughs and starts to exit it out of my room.

"I thought the answer to that question was obvious." As she opens the door, I take a deep breath in. "Of course."

We walk out but instantly freeze when seeing Peter leaving his room as well. I can feel my face heat up, I'm turning red—aren't I? The silence continues until Peter clears his throat.

" talked?" Her and I exchange glances.

"Yeah she showed me everything, and don't worry your secret is safe with me." She assured me as I release a breath, she looks back at me proud.

"Good...that's great, uhm your name?" He asks inching closer.

"Just call me Kiki—crap I have to go." She checks her phone and starts leaving. "Meeting—I'll call you later, kay?"

"O-okay." She smiles as she departs from us. "So..."

"So..." we wait in silence, I start swaying back and forth. "What did she mean by show...?"

"Hm?" I state.

"You showed her something—what does that mean?" I bite my lip, flustered again, as I shift my gaze.

"Yeah, that's another thing I have to tell you." I say, he crosses his arms and raises a brow. "It's the actual reason why I wanted to leave that place as soon as possible."

"So it wasn't the kiss..?" He asks, as I scoff loudly,

"No it wasn't the kiss!" I shout at him. "Peter, I think I might have powers."


REFLECTION | Andrew Garfield Spiderman Fanfiction x Reader | SPOILERS AHEADWhere stories live. Discover now