Chapter Three

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I get dropped down at my house, I take a step in seeing the destruction done to my home. This was supposed to be my safe space, my new life as an adult. I see a broken frame of Aunt May in a picture with Peter and I. As I raise it up, dusting away the broken glass. I can't help but having the feeling of sadness, wanting to cry and scream. Before I could let a single tear out, I hear someone come in from behind me. I quickly spin around seeing the Peter I've met at the beginning step on some glass. He raises his hand as a defense, I calmly take a breath.

"Is that her?" He asks, I look down at the frame. I gently pass the photograph to him, as takes it with ease.

"Yeah, that was her." I state sternly, I quickly look around and spot my duffel bag. I run over to it and pick it up, I open it and take out the useful tools. I take a separate bag and place the untouched tools in them.

"Listen--I'm so sorry." He says, filling the silence. He places the portrait down and kneels over to me.

"I should be the one telling you that." I sarcastically say with a laugh. I continue to fill up the bag with the tubes that are fine. 

"Seriously, how are you?" I stop what I'm doing, and sit up straight. He follows my movements as I do so. 

"You want to know the truth?" I ask him, I turn towards him. "I want to cry, shout, break stuff. I do. God I do. At this moment all I can think about is our current issue, I have rage in me. I want to kill whoever did this--but I know I have to help." I sigh and see one last tool, I reach to grab it.

"You're better at this than me." He chuckles. "Your control, you remind me of someone." I look at him.

"Hoping that someone is good--ah shit." I take out my hand and see blood, I instantly get up. "Wow I'm stupid." I state.

"Here." He grabs my waist and guides me to my kitchen, he turns on the faucet and I wince to the cold water. "Do you have any glass in your hand?" He asks, turning my hand in all directions.

"No-no I don't think so." I turn to his face, we're inches apart. He gets speechless as I look away. 

"I'll get some fabric for your wound." He runs to the other room, as I continue to clean off my hand. I look seeing a shadow move out the kitchen window, I back away from the sink a bit.

"Peter?" I ask out loud. My heart races as I hear footsteps. 

"Yeah?" He rushes over to me, wrapping bandages around the palm of my hand. I lean into him and whisper. 

"Get my bag, and run." I state, he looks into my eyes confused. I turn my face staring into the window.

", I'm not leaving you behind." He quickly finishes and goes to get my bag. I grab a knife and back away, I jump feeling Peter behind me. "Let's go." He puts on his mask and grabs my torso leading me to my front door.

As we step out the mysterious man crashes throw my glass sliding door. I flip the knife, and chuck it at him. I hear a yell in agony, as Peter quickly swings me away from the house. I hold on tightly. I close my eyes as I feel the wind hit my face with strong pressure.

"Did you get a good look at him?" I shake my head.

"No, I could've swore I saw green, but I don't know." I exclaim, he rubs my back as we land.

"It's okay, you did great." He nudges me and I open my eyes. I look around and grab my bag from him. 

"Alright, follow my lead." I slung the bag around my back as we run towards the lab. We bust through the door seeing everyone stare at us awkwardly in shock. "Did I interrupt the science club?" I say going over to the nearest table with them.

"Just on time." My Peter states, I open the bag and set my things on the table. "Since you are the biology wiz, you can figure out the lizard cure." He tosses me a huge glass syringe. I hook it up and grab samples from the room. 

"Hey here." I turn seeing the Peter from before hand me a coat.

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