Chapter Eight

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"That's impossible..." I whisper, as the light fades from her eyes.

"I feel different." She states, letting her hands roam around her body. "Where am I?" It can't be her, she came from that blast--she's human. "Is everything okay? I-I mean all three Peters and the universe..." it's her.

I web her and we fly up quickly, she yells from my impulse action. As we land up to my secret spot, she sprints away from me. Her chest heaves as she tries to connect the pieces, she's questioning her reality.

"Y/'d you get here?" I calmly ask her, sitting down on a ledge.

"I don't know, I saw a bright light and poof I'm here?" Her face drops as she runs up close to me, I watch as she slowly starts to have a panic attack. "Is that me?!" I quickly get up bracing for the worst, but it was just her face on a billboard. "Oh my god-" She backs away from the ledge, and starts to look at me then the board.

"That's why I thought I saw you earlier....your identity must be here as well." She runs up to me grabbing my shoulders.

"Am I dead?! Is that a memorial!?" She shakes me violently then points to the board. "AM I A GHOST? LOST GIRL?" She yells at me. I then grab her shoulders, and rub them gently. 

She's definitely losing it.

"Hey hey're not dead, and this is definitely not our worlds combining." She takes a deep breath and shakily moves hair out of her face. "Now, what was the last thing you saw?"

"A bright yellow light?" She says confidently. A vibration then erupts as she crazily looks around. "Oh my god, do I die like this?" She moves around and watches a light shine from the dress. As she reaches in a now known pocket, she reveals a phone. "The dress has pockets?!"

I reach for her phone as she plops down in the spot I was sitting in. I unlock her phone and see all the messages blow up her phone. News reports and press trying to find where she is at the moment. I click on her socials and see millions of followers on each one.

"You're not dead, but you are famous." She looks down at her feet.

"Meaning?" Her eyes close in defeat, as she finally gives her a second to adjust.

"In my universe, I think you're famous--seems like you're well off." I continue to scroll, and go onto google. I search up her name, finding net worth, socials, family, just everything. "Apparently a model." She looks up quickly and walks over to me, looking on her phone.

"Like a Kardashian or-or Hadid?" I look at her with a smile, as she angrily stares back at me. "What?"

"You appear in my universe and get more concerned of what kind of model you are instead of getting stuck here?" I laugh a bit as she takes the phone from my hand. "You are something." I compose myself as she walks away.

"I don't think I'm stuck here at all, I think I have a reason to be here." Her back faces me as she continues to research.

"Like how I was transported into your world?" She turns to face me.

"Exactly! Unfinished business. Problem is....I have no idea what the business is. I have to figure it out by playing my part I'm guessing." She closes the phone screen, letting only the natural city light hit her. 

"Alright, I'll help you figure out what you need to accomplish. Obviously that seemed the way to do things since you basically showed up in front of me." She nods in agreeance, and looks around as the wind picks up, she frantically pats her dress down. "Here." I give her my jacket and she places it around her waist.

"Thanks. Okay uh what's the plan for now?" I check the time, and look around.

"Sleep?" I say with a chuckle.

"Sounds good. Uh why don't we find my house and you can sleepover--unless if it got destroyed but this is also not my universe." She face palms herself but freezes as she looks down at her phone. "Actually, I have the address to her--mine? Whatever my house, can you lead the way?"

"Shouldn't be a problem for your friendly neighborhood spiderman." I smile as she looks away, I notice the corners of her mouth lift. "Alright come on." She looks at me with her smile, my heart races as she hugs me tightly. "Ready?"

"I guess so." She looks at me with full trust, as I swing us away.

REFLECTION | Andrew Garfield Spiderman Fanfiction x Reader | SPOILERS AHEADWhere stories live. Discover now