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Warning: Swearing 

My head was filled with questions.

"Alex I can exp-"

"Get in."

He walked in before I could say anything else. Why would Snape tell me he died 12 years ago when he clearly isn't? Would he be hiding? Has he risen from the dead? No, that's ridiculous.


"Hi! Twelve years and all you have to say is hi?" I shouted at him.

"Listen Alex let me explain!"

"Don't call me that. You listen!" I started to tear up I didn't want him to see me like this but it all started to come out.

"I've been grieving for twelve fucking years, and you had the nerve to pop up while I was healing; I thought you were dead! "How would you feel if I died?"

"Alex it was for your own good!"

"Bullshit!" I said as i slammed the table

"Listen to me Alex. At least give me a chance to talk!"

"Okay go on I'm listening" i said sarcastically

"They would have murdered you if you were anywhere near me, and I couldn't have that knowing it was my responsibility. So I begged Snape to make it happen. It crushed my heart to see you like that; I wanted to comfort you and assure you that everything was fine, but I couldn't!"

"Wait you where there?!"


"How did i not see you?"

"Polyjuice potion"


"Theo Nott"

"I knew something wasn't right when he was reading a book"

"heh yea."

He was playing with his hands and not looking at me. I could sense the grief in his voice, which proved he was sincere. He was on the verge of collapsing. Then I had remembered something.

The kids.


"Look, Alex, I can't stand not having you in my arms; I've been so lost without you; can we just go back to the way we were?"

"Draco, Merlin's Beard!! You abandoned me, led me to believe you were dead for 12 years, and now you want me to take you back? How could you ask me such a thing."

"You know what Draco get out."


"You bloody heard what I said, now open the door and get out of my life."

I felt awful and wished I could take him back, but I'd prefer the kids know all the positive things about their father. His presence will just add to the drama.

I unlocked the door and tried to shove him out, but I was stopped by two small blondes on the opposite side of the door.

"Mommy, yeah, well, Scorpius and I weren't eavesdropping, but if you saw us, blame Uncle George because he said to check on you because you were yelling so loud!"

"Sorry Mommy" Scorpius turned his direction to look at Draco.

"Who's that mommy and why does he look like me?"

"Did you guys just say mommy?" 


"Um yes sir because she's our mom"

Harper look at draco processing who he was.

"Mom why does he look like daddy in the pictures *gasp* Is he daddy's Twin like me and Harper Or you and Uncle Harry?"

"How old are you two?"

"Don't answer him go with uncle george now."

"How old are you kid!"

"Eleven! Turning 12."

"Mommy who is this man."

"Go now."

"Hey Alex whats goin-"

"George take them to my office Now."


"*gasp* Mom! That's my name!" the twins said in unison.

"George lets get out of here now."

"Got it."

"Wait plea-"

Then we apparated to diagon alley.

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