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Author's Note: 

Hello my babes! I'm so sorry I haven't updated, I've been really busy with work and dance and school and other shit Lol. I will also be editing all my chapters to make them more detailed because they suck. LOVE YOU'S! <3

-Alexia Pov-

I awoke in what seemed to be a dungeon or a run-down cellar from a movie. When I tried to stand up, I discovered that I was tied to what appeared to be a dental chair. My mouth was tapped. It seemed as though I were in a two-star horror film. "Ah M'lady is wake at last" Mattheo. He ripped the tape off my mouth so i could respond. "What do you want from me?" He laughed, that horrifying laugh that he got from his mother. "I don't need anything from you, this is fun, I'm just incredibly bored" This guy is a straight up Psycho.

One of the greengrass daughters came down just as I was ready to speak. Astoria. This scumbag. "Astoria." I said coldly. "Alex! What a pleasant surprise! Mattheo, if you had told me we were going to have visitors, I would have attempted to look presentable "She stated it in a strange ass flirtatious tone. "You look stunning no matter what you're wearing," Mattheo commented. She was wearing a short red silky dress that cut off mid-thigh, with red heels and bright red lipstick. First of all, ew, and second of all, Ew.

I began to gag as they snogged right in front of me. It began to become hot between them. I'd had enough as she groaned in his lips. "Get yourself a fucking room. Have courtesy. I don't need a show." They drew back and looked at me. Mattheo began to take something from his pocket. I just couldn't tell what it was.

"Are you really going to talk to my fiancée like that, bitch?" She then shoved a knife towards my throat. "With all due respect, which is none, you are now making a fool of yourself. Fiancée, too?" Her expression became glum. "FiAnCe, is correct. What's the big deal about that?" Mattheo simply sat there and watched us argue. "Well, Mattheo could certainly do better than you love, hell Daphne is a better match for him." She was as red as a tomato. 

She grabbed my arm and began to write something I couldn't make up. I began to scream in agony. She wasn't even halfway through when I started seeing stars. "Enough of that, sweetheart; leave the tormenting to me," Mattheo remarked. "I- but," she began. "No buts, dear; go upstairs and order that the elves make dinner." She took me one more glance before rushing out the door. The entire room was a haze. All I could do was listen. "What a lovely scar that would leave. Father would be delighted." He admired the scar, then dropped my arm and began to chant some charms. I had no idea what they were. I could feel blood flowing down my arm, then again.

Everything went dark.

-Draco's Pov-

I was worried for her. She's still not here. The kids are awake now that it is morning. "So, what exactly do you want to do?" Scorpius and Harper began to laugh. "Do you have any idea what you're doing?" "No, I don't think so." They burst out laughing. "Well, first and foremost, bring us some breakfast because we're starving." These kids have a bad attitude, which they get from both me and Alexa. "Where can I get some breakfast?" "Wait, where has Mommy gone?" Shit. I didn't want to have this talk with them. "Mommy had to go some errands, and she'll come back later."

"Your lying."

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