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Alexia's POV

I was very confused about this situation, first Bellatrix is alive, now Mattheo is Evil or something? 

Questions were filling my head as I look over to Draco who is still in pain from his dark mark. The mark was appearing back on him, burning his flesh, cutting his arm. 

At least the other one he had was just a Tattoo. Mattheo was defiantly using very Dark magic to put Draco through any pain he can.

I quickly look if Bellatrix was following us, but she had disappeared.



"Why the hell did I just see your supposedly dead Aunty burn down my house?"

"Listen Alex I never thought she'd find us, see this was the shit I was trying to protect you from but as you can tell I've failed." 

He was looking down at his shirt fiddling with it. I know what he was doing. 

He was blaming himself. 

That's one thing i hated about him. Not because it was annoying or anything, but because I hated to see him put himself down. 

"Don't worry Draco. I'm sure she would've found us sooner or later."

He looked at me with glassy eyes. He was trying not to cry. 

I kept driving until I found a motel. I couldn't just leave him in this condition. He was defiantly not able to apparate, and he was losing a lot of blood from the sectumsempra spell. Plus I know Harper and Scorpius are good with George. 

I turned to Draco as he seemed rather quiet the rest of the ride. He had lost consciousness. I checked his breathing and he was breathing fine. I quickly ran in to get a room and returned to him and immediately I wrapped his arm around my shoulder and took him to the room, Luckily it was the room right next to us. I was carefully holding him upright and walked. No, more like stumbled into the room. I got into the room and plopped him on the bed. I had to treat the cuts before he woke up, knowing him, he would be crying like a baby when i start to disinfect his cuts

I walk around the room to look for a first aid kit. I find one in the bathroom under the sink. I start to clean and disinfect his cuts on his stomach and arm. After I did that I found a bandage to wrap it around his waist. I carefully lifted him and placed him on a chair so he was upright and started to wrap the bandage around his waist. once i was done with that I started to treat his arm. 

By the time I was nearly done Draco had woken up.

"Hey, you passed out in the car" I said, I walked to the mini fridge and got out a juice box.

"Here, you lost a lot of blood," He nodded his head and took the juice box without arguing.

"How's Harper and Scorpius? Did you call George? Are they ok?"

"Calm down Draco I'll call George now. I was kind of preoccupied at the time."

I dialled Georges number and waited for him to pick up.


I call again.


I call one more time and somebody answers though, 

it's not George. 

it's not Harper.

it's not Scorpius.

"What the fuck do you want?" 


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