No time

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Alexia's POV

Scorpius came running to my arms, Harper went to Draco. We untied their hands and took the cloths out of their mouths.

"Mommy! He kept saying, he wants you, all he wanted was you to kill you!!" Harper Shouted.

"Mom they took Uncle George" Scorpius said with sadness in his voice

Scorpius started to describe how 'The lady' that took George looked like, dark bags under her eyes long black dress, black messy and frizzy hair, a traumatizing laugh, that was defiantly Bellatrix.

I take Harper and Scorpius back to the Motel room which was a mess to Draco raging off at Mattheo. I grabbed my wand and said a quick spell to tidy up the room. I never leave my wand behind. I tuck them into a bed and watch them quickly but peacefully fall asleep (There are 2 beds btw)  I start to pack stuff in a backpack, Draco looks at me confused.

"and where do you think your going?" he says

"I need you to watch Harper and Scorpius until the morning."

"What why?"

"Listen Draco I'm not very fond of this idea either, i don't trust you completely yet but i have to go get George."

"Well i'm coming with you!" 

"No your not." I said sternly

"Do you even know where your going?"



To be honest i had no idea where to go but i just didn't want him to see that.


"Your such a bad liar darling"


That word always made me blush, get butterflies, have that funny feeling. Especially when he calls me that.

"Now where does Bella spend most of her time?" he asked

"Your house?" I answered hesitantly 


"So i'm gonna have to face, your mom, Bella, Mattheo and a bunch of other death eaters, by myself?"

"Yes. It seems quite easy right?"

Shit. I didn't think this through, although i do have a secret weapon.

The Golden Group Back together!

"Yes very easy, when i have Hermione, Ron and Harry"

"Your gonna take them?" He laughed "You wont stand a chance Let me come please"


By this time i was already packed, wand and some other stuff i might need. As I turn to the door, Draco pulls me into a tight embrace, which i return.

"Please be careful. I can't lose you again"


I apparated to Harry and Ginny's house to see them on the couch in the living room reading.

"Harry I need your help."

"Already ready."

"Wait but..... You saw"

"Yep, news is already out that your house burnt down, its all over the daily prophet. So i had to see if you were ok. I used my umm what do muggles call it Gin?" 

"Twin Telepathy" Ginny said holding in a laugh. Harrys been getting into a lot of muggle things lately, I was surprised he would know what that word meant.

"Yes! Yes! Twin Telepathy! Oh and Ron and Hermione are on their way."

"Yes and I'll be looking after Hugo and Rose, do you want me to take care of-" 

She looked behind me to notice Scorpius and Harper not with me.

"Where are the kids?"

"With um Draco" I said in a fake cough

"Sorry what?"

"With Draco" I said more clearly

"God dammit Alex I knew you were gonna go running back to him, you always do this to yourself and now bringing your kids into this! You know what. I'm going to get them." Harry whisper shouted. He couldn't actually shout as James, Albus and Lily were asleep.

"Listen, their fine! Ok!"

Just then a black owl with big green eyes came in with a letter. I grabbed the letter and opened it up. Inside it read:

Hurry up, I'm getting bored.

-M.R and B.L

I could recognized those initials from anywhere

Mattheo Riddle.

Bellatrix Lestrange.

"We have to go now."

"What about Ron and Hermione?"

"Too bad."

We apparated to Malfoy Manor to Find George tied up levitating above the table and all the death eaters around it. Mattheo at the end of the table, where his father used to sit, wearing a black expensive suit.

"Miss and Mr Potter we've been expecting you"

A voice said from behind us. I turned to see who it was

Lucius Malfoy.

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