Back at Malfoy Manor

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Lucius Malfoy.

"How the hell did you get out?"

"Oh I had a little help from a good friend of mine, she kind of has experience in that."

I hear cackling at the table to see Bellatrix with a psychotic smile on her face, merlin it makes me sick.

"Well Potters You'd be happy to hear that I helped him."

"Yeah i kind of had a feeling" Harry said through gritted teeth. Just then I saw Hermione and Ron Apparate next to us.

"Didn't see you back at the house so we assumed you'd be here. Holy shit" Ron said, he turned to see his brother levitating on top of the table. Of course he would be surprised and scared, he already lost one brother. He didn't want to lose another.

"Now this is how it's going to go. Alexia or George. Take your pick." Mattheo said

I was starting to wonder why he wanted me and me only, Tom wanted both me and my brother dead, so why does Mattheo only want me.

"How come only me Mattheo?"

"Oh yeah forgot to tell you luv, I'm not really gonna kill you, that was just to piss Draco off, and it sure as hell was funny. I just want you."

"For what?" I questioned

"For you to be mine."

"What are you talking about?" I was incredibly confused. Then it hit me. Mattheo has always fancied me, well at least that was what Blaise used to say, and every boy in Slytherin. Once Draco and I got together "Officially" in year 3, Mattheo Hated him. He was always Draco's best friend until I got into the picture.

"Your really not still hung up on me are you?"

"No. no, just wanna get back at Draco." 

"For what?" I questioned once again.

"The truth will come out soon. So Back to my question Alexia or George"

"Both. Expelliarmus!" Hermione shouted

Spells flying 

Death-eaters running

The only Death-eaters left was Lucius, Bella and Mattheo.

Lucius was having a mini battle with Harry

Bella with Hermione and Ron

Mattheo with Me.

The levitation spell on George must've worn off, because half way into our mini battles with each other, he fell on the glass table. Glass flying everywhere, leaving little cuts on our faces.

"George!" Ron shouted

Ron ran across the room to untie him. Hermione Left to fight Bellatrix.

Once Ron untied him, i saw a cloud of black smoke among them, he must've apparated.

That leaves me, Harry and Hermione to fight.

Hermione started to get anxious and ran across to their fireplace when Bella got distracted by George and Ron leaving. She grabbed the floo powder and said her destination, I couldn't really hear it from all the spells. Harry quickly went in the fireplace with Hermione leaving me with Mattheo, Lucius and Bellatrix.

"Ha! They left you, just as i planned" Mattheo shouted 

"I can easily take the three of you." 

"not three darling. Many"

"Ha! Jokes on you all your people ran away the second we got here."

"Oh hunny, they didn't run away, they were getting it ready."

"What ready?" 


Then everything around me went Black.

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