You just wait

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"What the fuck do you want?"

"Mattheo?" He had got to them before i did.

"Ah hello Princess, what ever shall you need" He said sarcastically

"I swear to Merlin if you lay a hand on my kids you'll-"

"I'll what honey? Live to regret it? Ha Pathetic"

Draco's face went pale, sure he had only just met the kids but i could tell he was worried.

"Please Mattheo we can work this out just don't hurt my kids or George."

"Ohhh right!! I forgot to mention, Georgie's not here darling." 

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh yeah sorry Mum already took him, he's probably already half way to death" 

He started to laugh manically, it was sickening.

"you mean your mum as in Bellatrix?"

"Yes who else stupid?"

Draco had enough, he stood and snatched the phone off me

"Where's Harper and Scorpius" he spat.

"Ayyy Cousin, how are ya?"

"Tell me right now or i swear-"

"Look outside you window dipshit"

I open the curtain to see Mattheo in the front seat of a blue car with the kids at the back. They were crying and screaming, I don't know how i couldn't here them through the phone tho. He had them tied up with rope on their upper body and cloths in their mouth.

"Mattheo Stop it what do you want?!" Draco shouted through the phone. 

"What i wanted from day 1, Draco. Don't you remember?" 

"No please refresh my mind you fuckwit" I wanted to run out to get Harper and Scorpius, but was scared he would drive off.

"I want your little potter girl, to finish off my duties, as Tom Riddles Son."


"You heard me cousin, I. Want. To. Kill. That. Bitch"

That just made Draco's temper Skyrocket. He threw the phone down and went outside to Mattheo. He started shouting but he was talking way to fast for me to hear anything.

Just then Mattheo looked at me and was waving his phone in the air. I went inside to grab the phone.

"Now if you don't take this then we're gonna have problems, Now it's either you come with me or War"

"I defeated your father, i can defeat you too."

"Dumb choice, but Battle Of Hogwarts 3 sounds nice"

He grabbed the kids and apparated out the car. He left them right in front of the car and pick up the phone once more he said one more thing before the car exploded with him in it.

"Oh darling

You just wait." 

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