Coming to Terms

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Few days later, 3rd person POV:

Izuku began waking up to the image of an unknown ceiling above him. It seemed rather well kept to turn his head and notice a rather spacious room. " I?"

"Ah, you're awake. That's great to know." The voice of Kanae forced Izuku's head to look towards her general direction to see her with bandages in her hand.

"Wh-who are you?"

"Don't worry. I'm just somebody who wanted to help. You asked me for it after all. My name is Kanae Kocho, and my sister who's outside is called Shinobu by the way." Izuku started to remember seeing a woman that fit her description before noticing Kanae pull the covers off him to show his legs bandaged up. "When we found you, you had two broken ribs, your legs broken and a large amount of internal bruising as well as the start of hypothermia starting on you. You've been asleep for a total of five days."

Hearing the amount of time, Izuku's eyes widened and began to panic. "Mom! Dad! Tsubasa! Izumi! Where are they!?I...I want my family!"

Kanae tilted her head down in a bit of sadness. "I'm sorry. If we came a day earlier, maybe we could've saved them."

"The townspeople burned them at the stake. We went to the town and saw the results of it ourselves." Shinobu walked into the room explaining what they saw. "Now we've got a few questions if possible. First off, who exactly are you and why do you have the eyes of a demon? We know you can't burn away by sunlight thanks to some tests on your blood, but through all tests we see your genetic structure is still closer to that of a demon's as opposed to a human's. So what are you, kid?"

"Shinobu. Stop it. He's been through a lot."

"Not only that, but you shouldn't even be remotely close to moving around by human standards, yet you're almost completely healed like it never happened. As far as we're aware, you should be fine to at least tell us who you are and what happened to some degree." Izuku didn't know where to start, so he decided to start with the base of who he was and what brought him into the world as far as he was aware. He said of how his family told him he was the son of a demon called Muzan Kibutsuji and that he can't leave the home they had on the edge of town unless it was night and someone was with him. He also explained how his family wasn't bad at all to him and instead tried to make sure he was happy. This made him smile a bit before explaining how he was found out and what led to him being discovered by the two.

"I...I didn't want to cause trouble. I just wanted to see the town for once." Izuku began to cry before pulling his legs in to curl into a ball. "I didn't want anyone to get hurt. *hic* I wish I never went into that stupid town."

Izuku's grief hit both women. Shinobu walked over to pat his head and try to avoid him suffering more than he already was. "Look. I know what happened was terrible, but I don't think your family would be happy seeing you right now in this state." She pulled out the coin Izuku tossed in the fountain to hand it to him. "If they really didn't love you and want to do this to you, they wouldn't have sent you out of the house for your safety or willingly stayed facing what they did. I know it's hard right now, but you gotta live for their sake." Izuku reached for the coin to see it and remember how both his siblings would normally help him when he needed help. He clenched the coin close to his heart and began crying.

"Mom...Dad....Tsuba...Izumi...I'm sorry *hic* I'm so sorry." Kanae reached out for Izuku to hold him close to her chest to hear her heartbeat. Feeling her warmth, Izuku turned to wrap his arms around her and let out his grief.

As a few minutes passed, Izuku had let go and recomposed himself with Kanae speaking first. "Izuku. I know you've been through a lot, but I need you to come with me. Since you admitted you are Muzan Kibutsuji's son, I'll have to report this to our group's leader."

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