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Momo POV:

'It's him. Muzan Kibutsuji.' Tanjiro and I stood in front of the man with him knowing full well he was the man. In his eyes, I could see Izuku's when he fights serious. The bloodlust and the sight of a man who isn't afraid to kill. This man was without a doubt the man all of the Demon Slayers have been searching for. The man that has harmed others for so long. 'All I have to do right now is kill him. If I do, all of Izuku's struggles. The reasons he has to put himself through hell for so long. It all dies here. It dies here and he can finally live in peace-'

"Daddy?" Hearing the sound of a little girl, I stopped my hand to see a child that was no older than 6 in his arms with a woman beside him. "Do you know these two?"

"Yes, dear. They seem to know you quite well." The woman questioned for it to not come to either one of them.

'Get away. He's dangerous! HE'S A MONSTER!' I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs this with Muzan extending out his nails to make his hand look like claws.

"I could not tell you. Neither one looks like someone I know." A man passed by for him to scratch the back of his neck. It happened so fast that I could barely see it with the man holding his injury. As he did, a woman beside him who seemed like his wife tried to understand what happened with the man becoming a demon and biting down into the woman's shoulder.

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Everyone froze with the shock that this happened right in front of me becoming impossible to understand. I could barely act with Kamado running and holding the man down and shoving a wad of cloth into his mouth to stop him from harming others.

"Yaoyorozu! We need to cover that wound, now!"

"Right!" I came back to reality hearing this to press down hard on the woman's shoulder where the bite was. As we did this, a crowd formed with Muzan Kibutsuji hiding inside it and keeping us from going after him. 'Dammit! He was right here! All I needed to do was stop him! But he knew we would eventually find him. He had this planned. Everything from the family to turning someone into a demon and using our form of kind heart. Dammit Dammit Dammit!'

"Muzan Kibutsuji!" Kamado spoke up for all of us to pay attention to him. "I'll hunt you down to the ends of the earth, you hear me!? I WON'T GIVE UP UNTIL I SEPARATE YOUR HEAD FROM YOUR NECK! YOU HEAR ME!? YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED!" Him saying this forced Muzan to stop. This was only a moment, but it made him realize we weren't going to stop no matter what we'd do.

3rd person POV:

"Muzan Kibutstuji!" Momo spoke up next for her to irritate the demon even farther. "You failed to kill my master. I swear that on his good name, you're going to meet your end. And with all you've done, I won't stop until the day you are killed and Izuku can finally live in peace or I fall doing so. For the person you've hurt so badly, I'll pay you back for it ten fold! Do not think you will escape us! Not now! Not ever! We will hunt you down to hell if need be to end your evil!" Now infuriated, Muzan and his fake family walked off with the woman questioning him.

"Dear. Who were those two? They seem to know you."

Pretending to be ignorant but boiling with rage inside, Muzan smiled at the woman. "I do not know. I think they have me confused with someone else." 'You insufferable ingrates. I will see to it that you both fall. Especially you, boy.' Muzan glanced back at Tanjiro's earrings to remember back to a time where he was almost killed. 'I'll purge that boy from existence. Him and his lineage. And when I'm done with him, I'll move onto those two brats that dared claim superiority on myself and my judgement during that camp trip.'

While he left, Momo kept the woman from bleeding out while looking over at Tanjiro. "It's no good. We need to get her to a doctor right now."

"Ngh! I can't let him go. He's too strong and dangerous right now to."

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