Walk in the Past

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Izuku POV:

After stopping Gyokko, Shinobu felt the presence I was giving off to immediately rush towards me. When she arrived, I explained the situation with her thinking it'd be wise to talk with the chief and explain the status to him. "I see. So it was an Upper Rank. This is most troubling. Do you think that the village is compromised?"

"It's hard to say for certain. But I would recommend we look into possibly changing the location of the village just as a safety measure."

"I agree with Shonobu. It might be best if we find a new location as soon as we can." The chief didn't enjoy this idea. To be frank, I didn't either. 'This hasn't happened in the history of the village. This place has long lasting roots.'

"For the longest time, our village has worked diligently in these homes we have made. To pack up and leave is next to impossible."

"But sir! If you stay here, there's a good chance that you'll all die!" I tried to reason with the chief for him to give his logic.

"I am aware of that. However, this is the heart of all those in the village. We do not wish to leave our homes. This is more than just a place we live and work. This is a part of us and we cannot leave behind. Our ancestors have held this place and poured their blood, sweat and tears into every single blade we pull out of this village. To leave it for our own protection would be an insult to everything that they have stood for."

"Even if that means you'll die!" I was enraged with this comment for the chief to see it.

"You of the Demon Slayer Corps fight and risk your lives with our blades. I knew one day we may be found just like the chiefs before me. It's a sad truth we must accept, but allow us the swordsmiths to put our lives on the line just like you put yours on the line for the people. That is all I'm asking for." I couldn't believe what he was saying. He was ready to die, but realized the eyes he held under his mask. He was prepared to die for what he thought was right and had no regrets.

"I see....But please, have a countermeasure for in case something happens so you and several of your villagers can leave in case something happens."

"I can do that for the young ones. But the adults, I can certainly speak for everyone in saying that will not be able to happen. The adults are all willing to die for our cause just as much as I am. So please do not take this personally. I know you wish to help people, but some of us are willing to die by our own decisions. We won't go down fighting, but we are prepared to die if the situation calls for it."

"*sigh* Understood. I apologize if I was rude to you." I bowed my head to her with the chief seeming to not have an issue.

"Not at all. You're afraid of the wellbeing of myself and the village like any good person. It's not your fault this is happening. Things have just reached the head." I was uneasy with this as the chief looked at some of the others in the room to speak up. "Take the important information on the Demon Slayer Corps and ask for it to be moved to the master's home for the time being. When we have a new spot to put it, we will have it placed there."

"Yes sir." The people walked off with the chief looking back at Shinobu and I.

"I thank you for all you've done thus far once more. If there is anything left that I can do to help you, just say it and I will be happy to help."

"Actually, I think I'm good on my end now. Thank you for all you've done and I apologize for any trouble I may have put you through thanks to my lengthened stay."

"As am I. I think it's about time we head back on duty if I am going to be honest." Shinobu smiled for the chief to understand.

"Very well. I shall have an escort help you both leave the village."

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