First Mission

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Izuku POV:

I arrived at a the town my crow had told me my mission was to see everyone in it looking a little somber. Almost as if they were scared of something. As I walked, I was bumped into by a woman that looked very exhausted. "Sorry."

I looked up at her to see the woman stare at me in fear. She knelt down to me and held my shoulders. "Kid. I don't know who you are or where your parents are, but get out of this town. It isn't safe for you or any children. You hear me!? LEAVE THIS PLACE NOW!"

"Alright lady. Don't scare the kid." A pro hero came over to pull the woman away with him looking a little freaked out as well.

'Weird. I wonder if this had anything to do with the demon in the town?' I began looking around to see the place looking almost suburban from what Shinobu taught me about what it looked like. All around the streets, I noticed several pro heroes talking with what looked like parents.

"Please. Tell me if there's any news of my little boy."

"She was right next to me. She disappeared right next to me. Please, help me find my little girl."

"Mam, we're doing everything we can to find your children. I'm sorry, but you have to be patient with us." From what it seemed, everyone who had a child had them disappear before their eyes.

"Dear god. Please. I don't want to lose my child. SOMEBODY MAKE THIS END!" I came in front of a woman who was holding a little girl no older than 5 on the verge of a panic attack. Thinking there was nobody else to start with, I decided to ask her about what's going on.

"Excuse me mam. I was wondering if you could tell me what's going on here?" She looked up to me and began panicking.

"I don't know who you are, but leave this place now, kid. This isn't a safe town. Go somewhere else, go to the city, GO ANYWHERE BUT HERE!"

"It's ok. I know this place isn't safe. That's why I'm here to help."

"Help? Hahaha. You want to help? Hahahahahah!" The woman began losing her mind with how quickly she was able to change to laughter. "Nobody can help us. This town's cursed. All the children under the age of 11 are driven off to somewhere with nobody able to tell where. Each night, at least one kid goes missing. I don't know what's happening, but my little girl said she heard singing last night. I don't know why, but she heard it and I didn't. I...I don't wanna lose my little girl."

The girl looked up at her mother with some unease. "Mommy?"

"It's ok. But in order to help, I need as much help from you as I can. I promise I'll see an end to what's happening. I came here specifically for that." Looking at me, the woman noticed my uniform and swords.

"That outfit....I saw someone wearing the same thing when I was a little girl. He said there was a demon in the town I grew up in and was causing unexplained deaths. Are...are you like him?"

"Yes. Now, can you please show me where some of the disappearances happened?" The woman nodded to take me towards one of the homes of the victims. Just from outside the residence, I felt a strange presence. It wasn't significant. More like a small trace of what the demon was. "In total, there's been 12 children that went missing that I know about. I keep hearing from other people thought that they lost their own child so I can easily assume that there could be more."

"Thank you. Can you show me more areas where the disappearances happened?" The woman agreed for her and her daughter to guide me. We continued this walk around the town for most of the day with me carrying her daughter when she got tired. As this happened, I had learned next to nothing outside of what the woman told me with nightfall soon coming.

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