Crisis Situation

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6 months later, Izuku POV:

Time continued to go by with me and everyone. UA continued to work with everyone becoming heroes while I continued to play my game as a hero in training by day and work as a Demon Slayer teacher by night. Today, we're taking a trip into the forest from what I was told by the staff. The area was changed last minute due to some dumbass villain group called the League of Villains. A group of humans wanting to destroy society. I did some background checking on them thanks to some networks I was able to get through Tengen and his wives. Apparently, he couldn't get much on them except they were starting to be a big thing after the Hosu city incident. I still wanna sock that dumbass Iida for almost blowing my cover for having to use Total Concentration to take on Stain bare handed. Was surprised Stain knew what I was and took disgust saying that those that protect the night are helping false heroes. Fortunately, Iida never pushed or found out for me to be able to keep my cover.

"Hey. Midoriya. You want something to snack on, bro?" I glanced over to Kirishima holding out a bag of chips.

"I'm good." I paid attention to a book I was given by Aizawa. From what the class believed, I was simply someone that liked books and Aizawa was someone that helped my fix when he finds one he liked. However, this was a ruse for him to give me information that I needed to know from Nezu without constantly calling me to the office. Not saying I wouldn't care, but several office calls will raise a red flag. I found a note on the side giving page numbers. Reading through them, I began seeing what was said.

"Forest. Pussycats. Demons present. Villains found information. Signs of Muzan."

'Oh, now that's something worthwhile.' I kept reading before something came up. 'Copy of me? Picture of suspects.' I saw another page numbef to keep going and find a picture. What I saw shocked me. ' can't be.' The bus stopped for me to look up and see everyone start getting off of it.

Once I did, everyone started looking around for us to be in the middle of nowhere. I didn't bother that much for them to find out about what's happening and tried to think of what was happening before two pro heroes that looked like they had some kind of cat fetish with one having reddish brown hair and another with blond. They started talking about what was going on with them being the pro heroes helping them train this week. "Midoriya. A word, please." I went to Aizawa for the pro heroes to say they needed to get to the camp before the blond one tossed them off the cliff with an earth quirk. The only people not thrown off was myself, Uraraka and Yaoyorozu. We waited a few minutes before Aizawa spoke up. "Alright. We can talk freely now."

"Good. Because I genuinely want to ask. Why does every female pro hero look like they work in the sex industry!?" I shouted out a little for everyone to have Mandalay and Pixiebob look at me in shock of my blunt comment.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Pixiebob went right towards me to grab my shirt collar. "TAKE THAT BACK, ASSHOLE! I HAVE NEVER WORKED AS A HOOKER AND NEVER HAVE PLANS TO!" I stared at her blankly before looking at Aizawa.

"So is it something part of the pro hero criteria that women are supposed to be sexy?"


I glanced towards the girl and asked a serious question. "Take a long hard look at yourself and ask yourself if you do or do not look like a hooker or someone that you'd call to give a man a muscular soldier."

"...Getting off the topic. Let's start off with a run down of what you've encountered here, Mandalay." Aizawa mentioned this for Mandalay to speak up.

"Ok. So we have found in our forest severed body parts of humans. We've already reported this to the police with abnormal sounds and what looks like light coming from the forest at night. We were uncertain what this was to investigate before finding a girl looking around a year or two younger than you all. In a way to avoid any uncertainty, we decided to get a picture of her before a male came that looked like he could be a first year in high school. Judging by the fact they had similar facial features and hair color, we're going under the assumption that they might be related. We did however find them attacking a woman and cannibalizing her while emphasizing they were far stronger than any normal human being."

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