Demon's Den

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Age 12 Izuku POV:

About two years passed since I joined the Corps with my missions getting progressively tougher as time went on. In those years, I faced many fights and regularly was attacked by demons sent by Kizan Kibutsuji. For some reason, he wanted me to be captured. I'm not sure for what reason, but it soon came into he just wanted me dead to have one of his more recent attacks sending five demons my way that were almost high enough to be one of the 12 Kizuki. Luckily for me, I was doing a mission with Shinobu at the time for it to be harder for them. While I was dealing with one though, she was able to take out the other four to show my lack of skill. It was a little frustrating, but I couldn't complain.

There was also some good things that happened. Thanks to the demons I ended, I was able to jump up the ranks to now be a Tsuchinoto. I also made friends with Kyojuro. He may have been an acquaintance before, but a profound respect between us formed after his father Uhh....almost killed me. During a time I was recovering at the Butterfly Estate, former Hashira Shinjuro Rengoku came to a Hashira meeting and got drunk after. From what I was told, he had a bad habit of drinking on the job and confused me for a demon. As such, he attacked me with a Nichirine sword and left a scar over my chest. Shinobu came shortly after with Shinjuro realizing he attacked a member. Knowing things would be worse for him, I lied about what happened and said we were training for things to get out of hand. I'm pretty sure Shinobu didn't believe me, but accepted it knowing I didn't want anyone to get into trouble. Few days after, Kyojuro came to explain his father willingly stepped down from being a swordsman after what I did and apologized on his father's behalf. To be honest though, I think Kyojuro spoke more for himself than his father, but I'm not judging right now. Since then, we'd regularly have training practices together when we could to make me feel a little happy I have a good friend that pushes me to do better. Even when I lose our sparing matches, I just wanna do better to stand on the same mantle as him.

Right now, I was standing outside of the Aokigahara forest under Mt. Fuji. "So this is Mt. Fuji? Looks bigger in pictures." I stared at the mountain to turn towards Karasu flying beside me. "Karasu. Can you tell me a little about Aokigahara and why a demon would hide here?"

"Certainly. Aokigahara or the Suicide Forest as it is more commonly known, is a forest that for some reason many people come to commit suicide. Many theorize what the reason is why this spot in general with most believing it has something to do with the electromagnetic pressure that brings those willing to commit the act here. As such, the rangers of the park put up signs everywhere trying to deter people from doing so. Along with this, the forest is very dense and hard to maneuver if you do not follow the tape."

"So that basically means this is an easy feeding ground for demons, but has anyone actually seen one here?"

"About two months ago, there had been a disappearance of a man who worked as a ranger. The incident was strange since the only remaining parts of him showed that he was ripped to shreds by something that resembled hooks. As such, we had dispatched Demon Slayers to this area with none of the two dozen sent in coming out alive to report. It is safe to assume that they are dead, but their Kasugai crows had told us that there had been notable spottings of different demons."

I thought about this as Karasu spoke about what he did. "So there's a high chance we're walking into a nest of demons."

"It is far more dangerous than that." I looked up at him as he explained. "A few of those sent in were of high rank, almost below a Hashira. This would imply that a very powerful demon had to dispose of them. It is safe to assume that this demon is a member of the 12 Kizuki. You must not let your guard down in here and whatever you do, do not allow yourself to be caught. As you already know, Muzan Kibutsuji wishes to take you for some reason that we have yet to determine. Be cautious as this could be yet another trap he has devised for you."

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