Final Moments

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3rd person POV:

Everyone began circling Izuku with Shinobu holding his chest up to avoid his blood pooling in his lungs. Momo and Ochako were in absolute shock something like this could happen. "Izuku. Can't you heal with a Breathing Technique? You've healed yourself from worse things like this. C'mon." Ochako tried to understand this with Shinobu holding her head down knowing it's past the point of any normal help.

"Our Breathing Techniques can make problems less, but they aren't a perfect cure for all. I've seen Izuku on death's door even as a child, but this is beyond even that." Tears started to fall down Shinobu's face as she said the next part. "He's going to die. There's nothing anyone can do to stop it."

"No. H-he can't die. Izuku's too strong for that." Momo tried to think of an answer with everyone seeing the sun start to destroy the arms of the demons and take the only thing preventing Izuku from bleeding out away.

"This...this can't be happening. No. No. Midoribro is too tough to go like this."

"Mido." Several of the students watched in tears and/or shock as Izuku began to die.

As this happened, Ochako remembered what she found out about Izuku to cut her hand. "Shinobu. I want you to open his mouth and keep it open."

"What are you-" She looked at Ochako's hand to see some blood dropping out. "Ochako. I do not know what will happen if he goes down this path. If he becomes a complete monster and lash out at everyone, are you prepared to have to watch as I end him?"

"I don't care if that happens! Out of all our options, this is the best chance we have of him surviving!" Ochako knelt down towards Izuku's head.

"Ochako. Are you sure about this? He might be extremely against this." Momo tried to reason with her for the brunette's mind being made up.

"We'll have that answer here in a few minutes." Begrudgingly, Shinobu agreed to open Izuku's mouth. When she did, Ochako poured her blood into Izuku's mouth. The sound of him swallowing it was heard with everyone watching in hopes this worked. There wasa silence with Ochako, Shinobu and Momo thinking it didn't work. They started crying a bit before Izuku's eyes opened wide and he began to scream in pain.

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" He moved away from Shinobu with his body curling up in a ball. His injury began healing with his hands clenching his arms. He looked as if he was in uncontrollable pain with his veins beginning to bulge out of his skin.

"What's happening!?" Iida spoke up with everyone trying to go towards Izuku.

"NOBODY GOES NEAR HIM!" Shinobu held her hand on her sword's handle prepared to attack if need be. "If he goes on a frenzy, I'll have to handle him before this gets out of hand." Izuku continued to roll around on the ground in notable pain before bashing his head into the ground. 'C'mon, Izuku. I know you're able to beat this. Just keep fighting it." This continued for several minutes with Izuku dripping in sweat from the act. Finally, his body stopped tensing with his grip loosening on himself and laying back with a shortage of breath. Everyone waited to see if he was ok with Kaminari slowly walking up to him.

" he dead?"

"Hard to say. I'm not even sure if it worked." Momo slowly walked to Izuku after Shinobu explained her uncertainty. "I wouldn't mess with him if I was you." She held her ear to Izuku's chest to hear a heartbeat and a sharp inhale of air.

"He's breathing. He also doesn't have any injuries from the fight that are serious. That's a good thing."

"For now at least. I doubt the other Hashira would be as accepting over what we did." As Shinobu said this, her crow and Izuku's came down to rest on her's and Aizawa's shoulders.

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