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few minutes prior, Momo POV:

After being separated from Tanjiro, Ochako and the girl, Zenitsu and I walked around with the boy. But when I say we were walking around, I mean myself and the boy walking around and Zenitsu holding onto the kid and cowering in a way I expected to see the boy. "*creak* AHHH! WHAT WAS THAT!?"

"That was the floor boards. Can you at least not scream so we can find everyone a little easier before a demon finds us?"


"THEY'D HAVE TO BE ABLE TO FIND A BRAIN TO BEGIN WITH!" I was letting his attitude get to me. I shouldn't have, but his constant screams and shouts were beginning to ware me down. We crossed a few rooms to walk towards one. "Zenitsu. Check the other one and see if you can find something."

"But if I do, a demon can pop up and kill me!"

"If you haven't attracted a demon yet, then that means there's no chance it's around here. We're right now trying to find our friends more and his brother." I pointed to the boy before smiling at him. "Just stay behind us and we'll make certain nothing bad comes to you."

"Ok." I opened the first door to see nothing but a few pots in it. I glanced to Zenitsu with him acting like a coward trying to open the door as slowly as possible.

'How is this guy even a Demon Slayer? I might be staging an image of what other members of the Corps. are from the Hashira, but this guy is a full blown coward.' I walked over calmly towards the room with my patience waring thin with him to open it and see nothing. "See? You're spending too much time being scared that even if a mouse was to walk under your feet, you'd have a panic attack."

We kept walking forward with Zenitsu showing in reality that he'll not be of any help whatsoever. I opened a few more doors for there to be nothing. Fortunately, I was able to get a little help from the boy who was opening the doors with our weakest link cowering behind him. This went on for a notable amount of time with several more shrieks from Zenitsu. "Just how many doors are in this home?"

"Dunno. But something tells me we're mostly just going around in circles thanks to that drumming." I kept hearing drums for it to make me come to the conclusion that those drum noises might be altering the rooms around a bit. I opened one final door to be met fortunately with something other than an empty room, but what was in it was...

 I opened one final door to be met fortunately with something other than an empty room, but what was in it was

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'Is this a demon? No. I can tell it's human.' I prepared for the worst with the beastman looking creature to jump out and nearly trample me.

"AHHH!!! WHAT IS THAT THING!?" Zenitsu started panicking with the boar beast thing running away from us. "NO MORE OPENING DOORS NOW! I MEAN IT! I DON'T WANNA-" I chopped the back of Zenitsu's neck and started dragging him somewhat tired of hearing him scream.

"Sorry if that was a little scary for you."

"To be honest, the boar person was kinda relieving compared to what we're facing."

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