Parting Ways

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Ochako POV:

Two weeks finally passed since me and Momo came back from Final Selection. From what we were told, the swordsmiths that were going to forge our swords should be bringing us them around now. As we speak, I can hardly contain my excitement as I'm sitting around the common space barely holding in my joy. "Relax. It's a sword. It's not like you're being given something so insane like a marriage or the birth of a newborn."

Izuku sat where he did looking over some information. I don't know what he's doing, but he's been constantly looking at old books that look like they're hundreds of years old. How they're even readable at this point is beyond me since some looked like their dust had dust on them.

"I know, but it's still so exciting. I can become an official member of the Demon Slayer Corps when I get the Nichirin sword."

"I know that, but adding to the sword, your responsibilities will grow as well. No longer will you be able to do what I've told you. You'll have to think on your own and decide the best course of action. It's great you wanna join, but there is a set amount of responsibilities that you will have to deal with in accordance to this. Look at what happened at the training camp as an example. If you all didn't try and take charge as you did or faltered in the slightest, everyone could've died. This is the type of responsibility you'll always have."

"Says the guy that did the same and bawled his eyes out when he saw his siblings as demons." Bakugou gave a snippy remark with it irritating me and Momo.

"And that's another reason why what we do is dangerous. More dangerous than what heroes do if you want to be technical. I almost lost my life because I couldn't make clear judgement calls. The same can happen to Ochako if she chooses to do the same thing or gets to overwhelmed with her emotions."

"So you're suggesting for most members of your Corps to be emotionless killing machines?" Todoroki asked with it kinda making me question since the other Hashira weren't 'friendly' per say.

"Emotions are worthwhile to have. It's what separates us from mindless bloodthirsty monsters we kill. However, there is a time and a place to put emotions into things and on the battlefield when you're handling life and death matters, that's not the case a majority of the time. Very rarely should you let emotions guide you in a battle. They will lead you astray. As such, the first to get emotional in disputes is normally the one who loses." He didn't take a glance out of his book as he spoke this. I got what he wanted understood. when you get sentimental or put things that shouldn't be in something there, things get muddied up. However, ridding them isn't the answer either.

'I guess a happy medium is needed.'

As I thought this, Izuku placed his book down and got on his feet. "Momo. Ochako." Momo pulled from her tea for both of us to look at Izuku. "They're here." As he said this, the door opened to show two men in baggy clothing with one having their hair in a ponytail and the other having his head buzzed short to look like he was a monk. "You both are here for Uraraka and Yaoyorozu. Correct?"

"Oh my. It's quite a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Midoriya. When the village chief had heard you lost your swords, he was lost in fear as he thought he was responsible for your death." The ponytail guy spoke with some unease in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm gonna need to bow my head in apology to chief Tecchikawahara once I get the chance to. Once you head back, can you tell him that I will be by as soon as I can as a way to formally apologize for breaking a sword he dedicated himself to make?"

"But of course. I'm certain the village chief will be more than happy to see you again."

"Thank you, Sacchihuyo."

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