Final Test

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Izuku POV:

After everyone seemed to calm down a little, the door began to open to Nezu leading the master inside. "Hello class A. It's nice to see you all once again." All the Hashira myself included, bowed to the master and waited patiently for him to be led to a seat to a wall.

"Master. Forgive me for forcing you to come all this way. I hope the trip was at the very least a pleasant one."

"You do not have anything to fear, Izuku. It was quite a peaceful trip. The faculty of UA were most considerate of having me be comfortable." The faculty of UA started to come in with class B to have the meeting begin. "Now, onto topics that we all have on our minds. Izuku. Momo. Ochako. Might you please regale us with the incident with Eraserhead filling in any blank gaps we may or may not have?"

"Y-yes sir." I began to explain what we had discovered with the 12 Kizuki members in the forest owned by the Pussycats. As to my normal routines on school grounds, I surveyed the area with Ochako and Momo staying behind to train and avoid danger. This was the demons plans as we explained with the students being the target. I also explained the battle with the two members of the Lower Ranks and what I discovered about them.

"I your own family have been turned into demons. I am sincerely sorry that you must discover that only after you were ready to kill them."

"I'm sorry sir. I...I wasn't mentally prepared for that. If I'd had known before this then..." I punched the floor in anger for there to be a crack on the wood to surprise everyone. "It's my fault they're demons. If only I...if only I wasn't greedy and allowed myself to be denied the luxury of going into town, then-"

"This wasn't your fault they had become demons. There was no way you could've known any of this could've happened." The master tried to relieve my tensions by speaking in kind words. "If anything, you are at most innocent in this. Your intentions were pure, but sometimes even the purest intentions can have negative outcomes. That being so, I feel absolute sympathy for your pain right now and wish you could not have had to come into this side of the world." I shook in grief knowing my reasoning to become a Demon Slayer was now alive and the one thing I wanted them to never be.

"Now that that's finished, what should we do about Izuku, sir?" Iguro points this out for us to be back on track.

"Indeed. You have ingested human blood and become closer to that of a real demon. However, you still show remorse and guilt over what you shouldn't. So let me ask you, Izuku Midoriya. Do you have any desires to waver in your goal."

I held my head up and looked the master in the face with a determined look. "How can I waver right now when my own family is murdering humans. I feel horrible knowing they are demons now, but it's because of that pain that I have to do this even more. I'll be the one to end both my brother and sister and free them from the nightmare they're in."

"Even if this will send them to hell?" The master asked this for me to hold my head in guilt.

"If they are destined for hell for all those they've killed, then I have no choice. Out of love for the humans they once were, I'll end them and hope for their life to possibly start anew and be offered peace knowing they can no longer hurt anyone anymore."

The master smiled at this comment. "Very good. I believe you have not lost your humanity yet. Please continue your work as best you can, my child." I blushed at this and smiled to myself. "Shinobu. What have Izuku's reports shown from your investigation on his body."

"From the samples I took when he was asleep, it seems his demon half is more aggressive than it was before. Though he is still in control of this, I am increasing the dose of his shot to relieve the aggression."

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