Primal Urges

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Izuku POV:

'What's wrong with me? Why do I feel like my body's ripping at the seams?' I began feeling my body go on fire with it feeling like I could break apart at any moment. 'What's making my body like this?' I glanced up to see Yaoyorozu and Uraraka going pale while eating. I took some notice to see them barely able to keep the food in their mouths to have the urge to stuff it full of my-'DUMBASS!' I slammed my head into the table while shouting in my head. 'DUMBASS! DUMBASS! DUMBASS!'

"Izuku. Are you ok?" I glanced up at Shinobu who was staring at me with worry.

"I-it's nothing." I glanced over to Mitsuri to see her stuff her face with a smile on her face. My gaze went down to her open uniform to feel my mouth salvitate a bit. 'So big. That uniform looks like it's barely fitting her body and is going to pop out at the sec-WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING!?'

"Izuku. You need to try this. It's so good." Mitsuri smiled before pushing some food held in her chopsticks towards me. "Say ahh~" I went red before opening my mouth and having her push it in my mouth. As it was in my mouth, I could taste Mitsuri on the chopsticks have the urge to taste her mouth directly.

'It's so sweet. If I could push forward right now, I could take her lips and force my tongue down her throat. Grab ahold of her chest through her uniform and slide my free hand down and dig my fingers into her-STOP THAT!' I couldn't take the feeling of what was going on in my mind right now to stand up. "S-sorry, Shinobu. I-I'm just not that hungry tonight."

"Oh. No worries. I'll have it put in the fridge in case you get hungry later tonight. Would you like anything else or will you retire to your room tonight?"

"I think I'll call it an early night. It's been a while since I've had a night where I called it in at a normal time and slept through." I tried to walk away somewhat fast to avoid someone seeing me before turning a corner and looking down at myself. 'Just keep it together. Nobody saw you, so you can handle this and then go to bed.' I walked right to my room before bumping into Kanao who was pulling some laundry. "Sorry." I tried to help with her gaze looking down at my lower half. I went red with this and run away. "I SWEAR THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" I went right into my room and pulled the covers over me to hide my shame. "Why is this happening to me?"

Few hours later, 3rd person POV:

Izuku laid in his bed uneasy with everything that had happened. His body continued to feel extreme tension to the point he's been handling it himself for a few times now to feel no satisfaction at all. 'Dammit! Why is this happening?' He began crying a notable amount before holding his head under his pillow. 'I want to die right now.'

"Izuku~" Hearing a bit of noise, Izuku moved his head up to see Mitsuri crawling on top of him. "It's been a while since I've seen you. I thought maybe a little bit of skin ship could be worthwhile~" His body was completely under hers as Mitsuri moved closer to Izuku's lips. "If anything, could I at least have one little late night kiss~ I promise I'll leave after that."

As she said this, something in Izuku finally snapped and had him smile. "Really. Is that all you'd be willing to have tonight?" This confused Mitsuri as her arms were grabbed by Izuku as he flipped her to be under him. She looked up at him to see his eyes be that of his demon half. "How many years have you've shoved your chest in me or tried to show me your feelings? I think it's about time I try to reciprocate them."

Lemon Warning🍋

Izuku moved his head down to Mitsuri's neck to begin kissing it and sucking on her skin. The sudden act shocked the pink haired woman as Izuku was showing a side she's never seen of him before. "I-Izuku. What's gotten into you? You're acting weird." He moved his head to be face to face with her to show the flushed red on his cheeks before kissing her mouth. His tongue swirled inside as Mitsuri's strength slowly depleted to the point she accepted his actions. As such, Izuku's hands pulled off Mitsuri's wrists and caressed her chest. He slid them inside to pull Mitsuri's breasts out and grasp them in one firm motion to shock her and make her shriek a bit.

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