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Izuku POV:

The seven nights in the Wisteria prison were hell and absolutely a nightmare. Every night, I fought for my life with several demons trying to kill me. On the morning after the last night, I made my exit out of the mountains to the entrance to see Amane waiting as well as two others who were with us at the start. 'So counting me, only three of the thirty that entered came back alive.'

"Congratulations to you all on passing the Final Selection. As of right now, you all are official members of the Demon Slayer Corps."

"So what now?" One of the survivors asked.

"First off, we shall have your measurements taken for your uniforms and have your ranks embroidered on your hand with Wisteria. If you ever wish to find out what your rank is, all you would have to do is hold your Nichirin sword over your palm while reciting a password you are given and it will present your rank. From lowest to highest, the ranks are as followed. Mizunoto Mizunoe Kanoto Kanoe Tsuchinoto Tsuchinoe Hinoto Hinoe Kinoto and Kinoe. You will also be given a Kusagai Crow to give your missions."

Out of nowhere, a crow came towards me to roost on my head. It seemed smaller than the ones that rested on the other two's arms for me to believe it was still kinda young. "Now if you three will kindly come up one by one, I shall take the measurements for your uniforms." we did as Amane asked for the two others to walk in front and go first.

"So what now? When do we get the color changing katanas?"

"Patience. First you must pick an ore that will be a baseline for your Nichirin swords." Amane presented to us a table holding several different types of ores on it for the three of us to look at them not sure what to choose.

"I've never even seen ore to know what I'm picking."

"How the heck are we supposed to make a good judgement on this if we don't know what we're picking?"

"A powerful Demon Slayer will choose from what their instincts tell them to. If you cannot do that, then you will not advance far in the Demon Slayer Corps." Amane's words made me think of how judgement calls should be for a Demon Slayer and what I should do.

'If a Demon Slayer can choose from their instincts in this situation, then I should follow mine.' I glanced at each of the ores before closing my eyes and invisioning my own blades in my hands. I held my hands out and subconsciously moved my hand over the ores to have a feel the metal and move towards a specific one. I opened my eyes to lift the ore up and hold it in my hands. 'This one should work.'

Few days later

After being released from the Final Selection, I was told that the blades I requested won't be ready for at least two weeks. The uniform however was finished and ready in a matter of minutes for it to fit perfectly on me and able to be extended when I start going through a growth spurt. 'Finally. Back home.' I walked up to the entrance of the Butterfly Mansion to see all the lights out. "Hello?" I walked in to see nobody in the common areas. "Ms. Kanae? Shinobu? Kanao? I'm back." Nobody answered back for me to check outside near the garden to see several Demon Slayers and Hashira in front of something. "Excuse me, but does anyone know where Ms. Kanae and Shinobu are?" Everyone stared at me before opening up for me to see Shinobu in front of something.

I walked towards her to look over and see her crying. "Why....Why couldn't I help her?"

"Shinobu. Where's Ms. Kanae?" Shinobu looked over to me with tears running down her face. I glanced at what she was in front of to see it was an urn with a picture of Ms. Kanae in front of it. My eyes widened at this before dropping to my knees. "There's no way. She....she can't be dead. She's too strong." I started to get hysterical at this. "She's a Hashira! She can't die! SHE'S STRONGER THAN ANY DEMON! SHE CAN'T BE *hic*....She just can't." I shook seeing this before being hugged by Shinobu. "Ms. Kanae....*hic* Ms. Kanae!" I cried into Shinobu's shoulder for her to comfort me.

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