Unholy Duo

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Several miles away

Shinobu was walking calmly back from a mission she had recently had. From what the reports said, the demon she faced was of notable strength to possibly be one of the 12 Kizuki. However, it wasn't and was easily erradicated by her with next to no difficulty. "Once sunrise comes, that demon will be completely dead. Shame it wasn't one of the 12 though. I would've loved to gather information from them."

As she talked with herself, Karasu came divebombing towards her to stop right near her. "Danger! Danger! Lady Shinobu! Izuku Midoriya requests assistance. A member of the 12 Kizuki has been discovered at a camp with several people in danger of a hoard of demons attacking them. Run! Run as fast as you can and give him assistance in protecting the students of UA!" Hearing this, Shinobu immediatey started running with Karasu leading the way.

'A member of the 12 Kizuki and a hoard of demons attacking the students of UA. This certainly isn't natural. Muzan Kibutsuji must want to kill them rather intently.' "How far away is the camp!?"

"It will take at least 30 minutes by foot! We must hurry!"

'Just hold on, Izuku. I'll be there as soon as I can.'

With Izuku

Izuku continued his battle with Kurobara and Kuromura. With ease, the male demon was able to deflect Izuku's attacks with his fists with Kurobara going behind to attack Izuku. In retaliation, Izuku used one of his Breathing Techniques. "Nightwind Current Slash!" He was able to incapacitate Kuromura momentarily by slicing his arms off while also going right for Kurobara's neck. 'That's one.'

"YOU DAMNED PUNK!" Kurobara sent a slash of ice at Izuku for him to get pushed back. At the same time, Kuromura was able to regrow his arms and give Izuku a solid punch to his stomach.

This knocked the wind out of him with his stomach being lit on fire from the hit. "Too hot for you punk-" The demon was cut off by Izuku successfully cutting it's head off. The body fell to the ground with Izuku standing on his feet in some pain.

"Son of a bitch, that hurt." He patted the cinders on his clothing before narrowly having his head kicked off by Kurobara.

"Dammit. This is your fault for not taking him as seriously, stupid brother. Put your head back on and get back in there!" Kuromura's body began to move to grab his head and place it back on his body. When it was there, it started to reattach itself to confuse everyone.

"Wait, how is he still alive!? The demon's head was cut off, so he should be defeated!" Momo was confused with Ochako not that far behind her.

"It's like what we know about killing demons doesn't work on these two then. So does that mean they're unkillable?"

Izuku was trying to figure out what exactly was happening right now. 'This doesn't make any sense. I know I killed him. He should be long gone by now.'

"Take this!" Kurobara continued to attack Izuku with his blades blocking her punches and kicks while noticing they were accumulating frost on them. "Poisonous Ring Slash!" Izuku was able to send the female demon back a large amount with her body stiffening up a bit. "Don't bother trying to fight it. That poison will hinder any demon for an hour."

"Not a bad trick, punk!" Kuromura came behind Izuku to nearly slam his head into the ground before being dodged and having his arms sliced off again. This had the demon pull back and go into the forest with Izuku turning to take off Kurobara's head. He was able to get a clean cut on it to sever it and have everyone think this was the end of one. However, Kurobara's body continued to move with the poison being nullified in her body. She pierced Izuku's side to have it go through and break his bottom right rib. This forced him to spit up blood and pull back and immediately try to stop the bleeding.

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