A New Sword

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Izuku POV:

I began feeling my body float as if I was in water. I couldn't put an explanation on it, but it felt as if the world around me was entirely calm. No wind. No warmth. Just an empty void. Once I opened my eyes, I found myself in what looked like a world with multiple old Japanesse style rooms moving around. 'Am I having like a fever dream or something?'

I kept walking through the area with it looking almost as if I'm in an endless void

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I kept walking through the area with it looking almost as if I'm in an endless void. I couldn't tell where I was to keep walking around. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I continued to move with it seeming as if the rooms around me were moving alongside. 'So this is some kind of moving cycle I'm guessing?' I hopped on a moving building and found myself going up towards a spot I believed was the central area. There, I saw what looked like multiple books, beakers and some odd liquids inside the beakers. "Is this some kind of mad scientists lab or something?" I tried to grab whatever was on the table to have no ability to. "Ok, now I'm either one having a hallucenigenic dream from what I took to knock me out cold, or two having an out of body experience."

I looked at what was out to find some kind of old notebook talking about a flower. "Blue Spider Lily. A flower that only blooms a few days a year...unable to be attained during the night....believed to be capable of life changing medical changes." I kept reading to find out what I can of what this was. "This looks like some top tier pharmacudical medicine. Even Shinobu wouldn't be able to do this. Just who made this and just how long did they have?"

"Who are you and what are you doing in my research?" I heard a voice to turn slowly to see Muzan Kibutsuji.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my research?" I heard a voice to turn slowly to see Muzan Kibutsuji

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I growled at the man with him giving some form of a slash that destroyed the beakers beside me. He seemed confused by this. "Strange. Seems you're more of a tangent being in this plane at the moment for the moment."

"You son of a bitch!" I tried charging for the man with going directly through him. He turned towards me to for my anger to continue to rage. "YOU HAVE SOME BALLS TRYING TO TAKE ME HERE!"

"I never brought you here. As far as I am aware. You are of your own accord." He seemed irritated for me to get to a point.

"Shove it up your ass! What right did you have to force my mother to make me!? What right did you have to harm people!? What right did you have turning my siblings into monsters!?" I went for him again trying to strangle his neck only to have this do next to nothing.

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