Ch 7 | What are we?

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Why was he crying? It was fake right? And it's successfullnow as winter kissed me? What is going on and why do I see tears brimming in his eyes?

You stood there still, winter still confused, why did you kiss her back if you're in a relationship with her. Well same goes to her, why did she kiss you when she is in a relationship with Yeonjun.

Suddenly, winter dropped there, fainting. She was drunk.

Just then, Yeonjun entered.

'I told her not to drink so much.. I'm so sorry guys. I'll take her home.' he said before carrying winter in his arms and getting out.

You facepalmed yourself before sitting down on the floor. She was drunk, which means she wasn't aware of who she was kissing, most probably.

Why can't you just be happy and get what you want?

'Y/n don't sit here, let's go outside. You could go home if you want,'

Hyunjin crouched down to your level, putting his hands on your shoulder when you yanked it over.

'Don't talk to me! Just let me be me!' you said before getting up and walking to the door.

'DON'T FOLLOW ME!' you shouted harshly to Hyunjin wheln he was going to follow you.

You said before getting outside before everyone outside started making noises, as you and hyunjin were inside the bathroom for too long.

Irritated, you made your way straight outside the house, and running to your own house.

You got inside slowly and ran straight to your room before slamming the door.

You back pressed on the door, you started to cry loudly.

'Why did I ever have feelings for my bestfriend?'

Then, you cried yourself to sleep.

Next morning.

It was a Saturday, when you woke up with a terrible headache.

Last night's moments shot in your head, tears forming again in your eyes.

'I can't be this miserable for just a girl. I won't ever show her any affections, until and unless she's clear about her intentions.' you promised to yourself. And when you say you promise to yourself, you do.

Immediately guilt rushed over your body when Hyunjin came to your mind. The way you behaved to him.

He was just trying to look out for you. And then, you hurted him. Damn y/n, you're an idiot.

You rushed to the bathroom as you need to freshen up. A hot shower might help your headache.

Getting outside, you dried up your hair slightly, leaving it a little wet too. Putting in a hoodie, you first thing was to go to Hyunjin and apologise.

Getting out, you rushed to hyunjin's house and when you reached to ring the bell, you saw the door was unlocked. Wtf?

'Why did he leave his door unlocked? Hmm let's use this opportunity.'

You got inside without making any sound, and locking the unlocked door.

Tiptoeing inside, you tried to find where hyunjin was. Thank God, his parents weren't home.

You saw a door a little open, when you creaked it open just to see Hyunjin fast asleep on the bed.

Getting on the side of the bed, you got to see his sleepy face.

You bent over to see a clear vision of his face. His long hair were falling to his eyes, when you pushed them to their place.

You saw dry tears on his eyes. Was he crying? His face was puffy, swollen a little maybe. Guilt rushed over your body again, you felt so bad that you said such harsh words to him.

Trailing your fingers over his jawline, you whispered,

'I-i'm sorry Hyun.. I didn't mean to say those words, I didn't even mean them. You were just there trying to look after me when I just lashed out at you like that. I'm so so so sorry..'

You said after leaving a quick peck on his cheek.

Suddenly, hyunjin grabbed you and threw you on the bed, beside him before hovering over you.

'Did I just hear you saying sorry? You saying sorry?' he said in his sleepy voice. Oh my god.

'You were awake all the time?' you exclaimed.

'Maybe' he whispered.

You didn't know when you started to lock your eyes with his, staring hard.

Both of your faces were so close, lips inches apart. You wanted to taste those lips again, so bad. But your head didn't let you.

'Fuck you brain.' you said before attaching your lips his. God, his lips tasted so much better. Better than what? You didn't know. Hyunjin didn't even hesitate to kiss you back.

'Oh no no no no what am I doing.' you said before immediately pulling away.

'I-i'm sorry' you said.

'I'm really lucky to hear so many sorries from the person who doesn't even say sorry much.' he said before getting up from over you.

You sat up too, your eyes shooting to the window immediately. Why was it dark?

Suddenly, a loud thunder sound was heard outside.

You immediately clutched to hyunjin's arms, leaving him schocked.

You were afraid of thunderstorms since you were little. Your worst nemesis.

Again it growled, when you lost control and hugged his body tight sideways.

'Are you okay?'

'N-no I hate this' you said shivering.

He held your body tight, stroking your back.

'Its okay, I'm here. He said when the rain started falling loudly followed by a grumble.

'D-don't leave me' you said after hugging him straight.

'I won't.'

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