Ch 24 | Not the heather.

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Winter's pov

She was left alone to cry. No one there to comfort her anymore. No one there to ask her 'Are you okay?'. How did it turned this way for her?

She had everything. A bestfriend who was by her side since they were little kids. A boyfriend who cared for her more than himself. What else did she need?

Oh no. She ruined everything by herself. Was it her fault to fall in love? She couldn't understand her fault. She kept crying and crying when her tears were all dried up.

The girl who used to be the sunflower of this class suddenly shed it's petals. The sparkle faded from her eyes. She didn't know what to do anymore.

Only if she had came to know about her own feelings a bit just a bit earlier, nothing would've gone wrong.

Is this what Y/n was going through? It hurts this bad? I hurt her this much huh? Nah winter stop thinking of yourself this high. You're not that capable of making someone fall for you this hard that they'll cry over you. They won't. You're nothing but a arrogant, mean, egoistic piece of shit.

You have always hurt people even after knowing that they get hurt. It's YOUR time to get hurt now. Maybe it'll help you grow into a better person?

Mrs. Park kept calling 'Winterr winterrr' but her voice didn't reach her. She was filled with thoughts and unanswered questions. It wasn't her. It wasn't winter. This is so not winter.

Mrs. Park shouted 'CHOI Y/N WOULD YOU LIKE TO GET DETENTION?' to hear her name winter turned to see y/n giggling with hyunjin and her heart shattered yet again.

She liked me. But I never realised it. Maybe I never wanted to. But where did it get me? Now I know but she loves someone ELSE and I'm in love with her. Can't she just fall for me again? How do I make her fall for me again? Oh yes that's just the typical selfish winter wanting everything for herself.

WINTER! WAKE UP! Look how happy she is with Hyunjin. She's finally smiling. She's finally speaking. She's sparkling. Her eyes are glowing. She's in love yes maybe it's not her first time but this time she's HAPPY.

You're her bestfriend. Don't forget that, it's your jop to make sure she's happy. You need to get over it come on you can do it.

Winter raised her head just when Mrs. Park said 'Everyone there's a new student joining our class today. Give her your greetings'

A girl walked inside the classroom. She has long wavy brown hair that hangs a little bit low till her waist. A wide, round face with a pointed chin. Her green captivating eyes capturing everyone's heart at one sight.

'Doyeon Kim it is!'

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