Chapter 2

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The counselors began allowing tables in order to get their food. While that was happening, Niall and Otto were still making origami swans. Luke was half asleep, resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. Ashton and Louis were playing Rock Paper Scissors. Awsten and Geoff were singing Christmas songs while Calum was sitting there awkwardly, playing with the black nail polish on his fingers.

Ashton looked over, noticing Calum's discomfort. He leaned over and whispered, "Hey, are you ok?"

"Yeah," Calum whispered back, noticing the concern on Ashton's face. He could tell Ashton was being genuine.

"Ok, if you need anything, just tell me," Ashton replied with a warm grin.

Calum nodded, secretly freaking out on the inside. Ashton went back to playing Rock Paper Scissors, glancing back at Calum every few minutes discreetly.

"We've made an army of swans!" Niall exclaimed, revealing his and Otto's work. Twelve swans lay on the table, arranged in a line.

"We should name them each!" Otto suggested, "This one is.... Constantine."

"Seriously?" Awsten whined.

"This is for calling me short," Otto smirked.

"Why Constantine?" Liam asked, glancing between the 2 boys in confusion.

The blue-haired boy turned bright red. "It's my middle name."

The counselors walked over, informing the table that they were next to get their food. They walked up, grabbed their food, and came back, immediately digging in.

"This honestly looks so disgusting," Louis said, running his fork into the runny mashed potatoes.

"Whatever you do, don't try whatever that is," Geoff said, pointing at what looked like expired pudding.

"Wasn't planning on it," Ashton replied with a slight chuckle.

They all continued talking and eating, but mainly talking since the food was so bad. After around 25 more minutes, everyone was released to do whatever they wanted.

"So... what should we all do?" Michael asked the rest of the group.

"We could go explore the rest of this camp," Zayn suggested.

"Or play some cliche game like truth or dare," Otto added.

"We could make more swans!" Niall exclaimed, very loudly.

"Shhhh. You're being very loud," Louis warned him.

Niall frowned, "Sorry."

"Alright, all in favor of walking around, raise your hand," Liam said.

A few raised their hands.

"All in favor of playing truth or dare," Liam said, "raise your hand."

A large majority of the group raised their hands. "Are we all good with that?" Michael asked. Everyone nodded.

"I mean, it will be good to get to know everyone," Calum said.

"Which cabin should we go to?" Harry asked.

"We could go to ours," Geoff suggested.

The group of 12 agreed and began walking to Geoff, Awsten, and Otto's cabin. Once they arrived at the 22nd cabin, Otto opened the door and let everyone in.

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