Chapter 11

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Calum begged Michael and Ashton to push the empty cot against the door for almost 10 minutes before they agreed. 

Calum was extremely paranoid. He hardly slept the night before after encountering the person in the woods. He was so afraid that the creepy person would find his cabin too. He doubted that he was going to get any more sleep tonight, but he was hoping that he was wrong. It also didn't help that his ankle was still in pain.

"Goodnight Cal," Ashton said from across the cabin.

"Goodnight Ash," Calum replied with a small grin.

Michael turned off the lights before joining Luke in his bed, who was already asleep. He had already been sleeping for a few hours since he went to bed right after dinner. Luke shifted to get closer and buried his face into Michael's chest. Michael wrapped an arm around his back, gently holding him.

Throughout the night, Calum was struggling to fall asleep. He kept shifting around, trying to get comfortable, but he just couldn't. It was probably around midnight and everyone else was asleep... or he thought so.

"Cal," he heard a voice whisper.

"Ash? Is that you?"

"Yeah," he replied, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah.... I just can't get comfortable," Calum whispered back. He lay on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. He gave up on sleeping.

For a few moments, there was complete silence.

"Are you sure you aren't afraid?" Ashton whispered back, "It's ok to be. I'm sure what happened was absolutely terrifying. I can't even imagine going through that."

"Umm.... yeah I am... a little," Calum sheepishly replied.

"Want me to sleep with you?" Ashton whispered back, "I'll keep you safe."

Calum was internally freaking out at that question. Just two days ago, Ashton rejected Calum's feelings and now he was offering to sleep in Calum's bed with him.

"Umm... sure... if you want to, of course."

"I wouldn't have offered it if I didn't want to, silly," Ashton answered. He slipped out of his bed and walked over to Calum's bed quietly. He carefully climbed into Calum's cot, making sure to not bump his ankle. He gently slipped an arm around Calum's waist. "Is this ok?" Ashton whispered.

"Y-yeah," Calum stuttered, trying to act as natural as possible. It was really hard to when his crush was literally spooning him.

"I'm still not tired though," Calum whispered.

"You really should really get some sleep babe," Ashton whispered, gently playing with a few strands of Calum's hair,

"Ok. Fine. I'll try to sleep. Goodnight Ash," Calum said while silently screaming in his head. On top of everything else that had happened tonight, Ashton just called him babe. This all felt so surreal to Calum. He thought it couldn't possibly be real.

"Good night Calum."

The next morning the counselors went around yelling at everyone to wake up at 8. Harry sat up in his bed, looking over at Louis who looked deep in thought.

They still haven't talked to one another.... It had been at least a week since their last interaction. Harry knew this wasn't healthy. He was still extremely upset that Louis didn't feel like he could trust him. He was believing random stories from strangers over his own boyfriend. That hurt his heart. Harry wondered if Louis even considered them together still. Could he even call Louis his boyfriend right now? Harry so desperately wanted everything to go back to normal.

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