Chapter 8

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 It's been a week and hardly anything was getting better for the campers. Louis had somehow managed to ignore Harry every single day, even when they were grouped together. Harry would sneak glances over at the shorter boy, but Louis would never return the glance. Calum and Ashton hardly talked together. They had a few short and awkward conversations every once in a while, but other than that, they didn't even acknowledge each other. Luke continued to take his medicine even though it felt like it wasn't helping his symptoms much. Some days were definitely better for him than others but some symptoms just wouldn't go away. No matter how many pills he took, he couldn't get rid of his worsening migraine. More people were 'coincidentally' dying and no one was giving the curious campers any information. The camp now had 6 deaths, five campers, and one counselor. It didn't take a genius to figure out that something sketchy was definitely going on.

The boys decided their route of action on solving this mystery. Awsten and Geoff began scouting the counselors, looking for a good one to befriend. They had a list of possible contenders but they quickly limited it down to 2. 

"I say we should try and become friends with Jawn," Geoff suggested, "He seems younger than the rest of the counselors and might relate to us more."

"Plus, his red hair is so cool," Awsten added.

"Yeah, of course," Geoff chuckled.

"Let's check our schedules to see if we are in the same group any time soon," Awsten said, pulling his registration out from his suitcase, "We also need to see if Jawn is running any activities that day."

"This is so complicated," Geoff replied, handing Awsten his schedule.

Awsten scanned around, looking between the two pages. "We're in the same group..... 3 weeks from now," he sighed.

"That's ok," Geoff said, "We'll just... figure something else out."

"I could do it alone, I guess," Awsten shrugged, "I can do that.... I think?" It came out as more of a question as if Awsten was doubting himself.

"You sure? I could do it instead," Geoff offered.

"N-no, I can do it, but we should first come up with things for me to talk to him about. I'm not very good at talking to new people and starting conversations," Awsten admitted sheepishly.

Geoff grabbed his journal and opened it to a random page. He also grabbed a pink glitter pen and handed it to Awsten. They began brainstorming topics together.

Harry could not shake the feeling that Olivia was following him once again as he was trying to walk to the bathrooms. He turned around to see the blonde girl running, trying to catch up to him. He rolled his green eyes, hoping she would get the message and leave. Unfortunately, she did not.

"Wait, I need to talk to you," Olivia yelled between breaths. 

"You ruined our relationship," Harry started, "Isn't that good enough?"

Olivia rolled her eyes in protest, stopping once she caught up to Harry. "Honey, I didn't ruin it."

"Honey," Harry said, mocking her, "You totally ruined it. Can you seriously just leave me alone? Like, what's your obsession with me?"

"It's not an obsession," Olivia argued, touching his shoulder.

Harry backed away, ripping her arms off of his body, "Then what is it?"

Olivia was at a sudden loss of words. She froze, looking down at the ground. Harry smirked, knowing he was right."You're obsessed," he confirmed.

Harry continued walking, ignoring whatever she was saying. He opened the door to the boy's bathroom and walked in. He looked at himself in the mirror, trying to fix his frizzy hair. In the corner of the mirror, he could see Olivia entering as well.

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