Chapter 9

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The next morning, things at breakfast seemed to go smoother than the past few days had. Calum and Ashton were back to their normal selves, making jokes and laughing together as if nothing happened.

The rest of the boys looked at their interactions suspiciously. It confused them, but they didn't mention it. 

This morning's breakfast consisted of a still half-frozen waffle, cottage cheese, which had probably expired, and a few partially green strawberries.

Since they all first arrived at the camp, it was hard for them to adjust to the tightly fit schedule. The campers were now just beginning to settle into their schedules of getting up at 8, going to breakfast at 8:30, doing activities from 9-12, then going to lunch. Then after all of that, they had more activities before dinner. The days went by quickly, for the most part. They kept themselves entertained during free time by swimming, playing games, and napping.

Calum's ankle was extremely swollen from last night but he refused to go to the infirmary.

Today was an entirely free day since it was a Sunday, meaning they could do whatever they wanted, as long as they were there for the meals. Calum was planning on spending his day relaxing and staying off of his ankle. 

Awsten and Geoff were still planning on how to start a conversation with Jawn. Awsten was looking through his schedule, seeing when Jawn was in charge of an activity next. 

"Tomorrow he's running arts and crafts..." Geoff said, looking at Awsten's schedule, "You could do it then."

Awsten just nodded, scribbling something down in Geoff's notebook.

"You could be like, 'Hey, do you know if there's any glitter glue?'. Then he'd be like, 'I'll see.' He'll go check and then come back to tell you. Then you could say, 'I like your red hair, by the way, it's so cool.' He'll probably compliment your hair too and then from there, you can just start a conversation.... You got that?" Geoff asked, looking over the blue-haired boy who looked deep in thought.

"I-I think so," he replied, "Seems like a lot, but I'll try."

Next to them, Otto and Niall were folding paper airplanes. Niall was extremely determined to get his plane to go farther than Otto's. He threw his airplane to test his most recent model out. It flew across the hall, hitting a curly-haired girl on the shoulder. Niall quickly looked away, his face flushed a light pink from embarrassment.

Otto snickered, watching the girl pick up the airplane from the ground. She set it on the table as she talked to her friends around her, probably asking them who threw it. 

"She probably thinks that you threw it to flirt with her?" Otto teased, elbowing Niall.

"Aww hell no. I'm as straight as a fucking circle. Did she see me?"

"She's looking over here now," Otto replied with a small smirk, teasing him slightly. 

Niall sighed, sitting down to fold another paper plane.

"How are you guys even getting away with this?" Zayn asked, watching the boys continue to throw their paper airplanes to test them. Niall shrugged in response.

Luke seemed out of it again, struggling to keep his eyes awake. He placed his arms on the table and rested his head in his arms.

"Are you ok, Luke?" Michael asked, dipping his head to get closer to Luke. 

"Yeah... I'm just tired and I have a headache," he replied, "Can we go back to sleep after breakfast?"

"Of course," Michael answered, gently rubbing Luke's back.

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