Chapter 7

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Calum slowly trailed behind Michael and Luke back to their cabin, kicking rocks on the pathway. Luke opened the door, allowing Michael and Calum to go inside.

Ashton was already in the cabin, laying on his bed.

"Where'd you go during the ceremony?" Michael asked, looking at Ashton suspiciously.

"You know, that's pretty disrespectful of you to leave in the middle like that," Luke added.

"I- I had a headache and came back here to rest," Ashton replied hesitantly. He rolled over onto his side, staring at the wall of the cabin.

"You're lying. You went off with some blonde girl," Calum said with an eye roll, "I saw you. Care to tell us the truth?"

"That is the truth! She walked back with me so I wouldn't pass out," Ashton answered.

Calum glanced over at Michael who shrugged his shoulders. The three boys left it at that. It was late and they weren't looking to argue.

"Luke, you need to go to take your medicine," Michael reminded his boyfriend.

Luke nodded without saying anything, walking over to the bathroom. He closed the door behind him.

"Why the hell is there a used condom in the garbage?" Luke yelled through the door in disgust.

Calum and Michael both looked over at Ashton who was trying not to react whatsoever.

"Mate... you didn't....." Michael said in disbelief, "I can't believe you."

Ashton swallowed thickly, noticing the tension fill the air.

"You just couldn't wait to rub it in my face?" Calum asked, his voice cracking, "Yeah, you don't like me. Look at you, you just slept with a girl in our fucking cabin the same day I admitted I had feelings for you. So fucking proud of you." He rolled his eyes before flopping onto his bed and wrapping the covers around himself. He faced towards the wall so he couldn't see Ashton's reaction at all.

Ashton remained still, looking at the wall.

Michael awkwardly stood in the corner, not really sure how to react. "So... I'm just going to go to bed..." he said, trailing off. He sat at the edge of his bed, waiting for Luke to come back.

The tall blonde walked out of the bathroom shortly after, joining Michael in his bed. Michael smiled, wrapping his arm around Luke's body.

Not another word was said between any of them.

The next morning, Calum and Harry skipped breakfast, deciding to hang out instead. It was currently 8:45, and they were laying on the floor of Harry's cabin, staring at the ceiling.

Calum was currently explaining everything that happened between Ashton and him.

"I can't believe he fucking slept with her," Harry said in shock, "Damn..."

"Exactly... that's so fucked up. I literally exposed my feelings like 4 hours before that."

"I'm sorry Cal. Ashton is a dick anyway," Harry added.

"He probably has a big one too-"



"Let's not talk about him.. or Louis," Harry suggested. Calum nodded, grateful that Harry was able to understand.

They spent the rest of the time laughing and making jokes, trying to lift each other's spirits.

After lunch, the first half of the day went by fairly quickly for everyone. Calum and Niall were in a group together. They made cute cards in arts and crafts. Niall ended up pouring glitter all over his card dedicated to Otto and made a giant mess, but neither of them cared. The pink glitter was all in Calum's hair, even after they tried to get as much out as they could.

Harry and Luke played beach volleyball together as a pair. They ended up being better than they thought they were going to be. The two boys ended up winning 2 games and losing 1. Luke discovered that he was fairly good at setting.

Liam, Zayn, and Otto were supposed to be fishing, but none of them had the patience to participate. They didn't catch any fish, but instead, they named the fish that other people were catching.

It was turning out to be a decent day for most of them.

"Harry, Calum, we have some theories to share with you guys that we made during breakfast.... We'll fill you all in once the rest of the group comes back" Michael said, pulling Calum down into his seat next to him. Harry sat next to Calum, shooting Michael a confused glance.

The rest of their group was still in line for their lunches, other than Luke who went to the bathroom.

"What is it about?" Calum asked.

"You'll see," Michael answered, looking around to see where their friends were in line.

Harry leaned over and whispered in Calum's ear, "Why do I feel like this is sketchy." Calum nodded in agreement.

Harry looked down at his lunch that consisted of a burnt grilled cheese sandwich, squishy grapes, and jello. At least the jello was good. Harry didn't even bother grabbing a milk since the last 3 times he did, it was expired and severely chunky.

The three boys waited patiently, quietly talking to one another. They watched as their friends started walking over one by one. Luke came back from the bathroom, sitting next to Michael and taking the other tray that Michael had. He thanked the red-haired boy before eating a spoonful of jello.

A few minutes later, they were ready to share their theories.

"You guys missed it!" Niall exclaimed, "Two more people died last night."

"Probably something you shouldn't be excited about man," Zayn replied to Niall's excitement.

"Well I'm not excited about that part... but we're like, having a secret meeting right now. And that's so cool-"

"Seriously?" Harry questioned, interrupting Niall. He looked over at Liam for confirmation. Liam sadly nodded, confirming Niall's previous statement.

"Yes.... which leads us to wonder what is happening around here," the Irish spoke.

"It's odd that 3 people have died in 2 days..." Calum added.

"Yeah... what if these are homicides?" Michael asked, "These can't be accidents or coincidences anymore... right?"

"The issue is that we don't know what happened to any of them..." Geoff faltered, "We can't confirm anything until we know the details."

"We can find out! We'll be all cool like detectives or like the profilers in Criminal Minds!" Calum excitedly squeaked, maybe a little too excitedly.

"What do you suggest we do?" Niall asked, genuinely invested in this conversation. Everyone's eyes flickered over to Calum who was awkwardly trying to eat his grapes in peace.

"I have an idea," Awsten said after a few moments of silence, raising his hand to get everyone's attention, "The counselors might have a clue on what is going on... if one of us can make friends with them... maybe we could get information."

"That could work. We'll have to figure out which ones are more likely to be more susceptible to that," Liam states.

Michael brings up another good idea, "I can steal my phone from the main offices. I'm able to hack into websites for information and shit. Plus, it would just be a good tool to have."

Someone also brought up the idea of stealing the roster, so they can know who is in what cabin. The boys could interview those in the same cabin as the possible victims.

"So... assuming these deaths are all murders.... step 1 is for Awsten to befriend a counselor. Step 2 is for Michael and Otto to steal Michael's phone from the main office. Step 3 is for Calum and Niall to steal the roster. Step 4 is to interview the campers," Zayn confirmed.

Everyone agreed.

"Wow! It's like we're carrying out a secret mission!" Niall cheered.

Summer camp just got a lot more interesting for these 12 boys.

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