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                 ~For you Stardust...enjoy~

"You can not get married."

"What? What on earth are you on about?"

"You are already married."


"Yes look," Miya says, pointing to her laptop, "it says right here that you are already married to Austin Post. See..."

Kitty snatches the laptop from Miya. She must have read it wrong. She skims her eyes over the offending website and sure enough there it is in black and white - she is married to Austin Post.


"Just annul it. We were 18 and he left the next day. Wait, but it was never officially registered...we never filed the paperwork."

"Well someone filed paperwork...did you consummate the marriage?"

Kitty slumps down in her chair and moans, "Yes we did! Don't you have any alcohol in this ridged lawyer's office? Fuck!" Miya rolls her eyes, opens her bottom drawer, and pulls out a bottle of red wine. Kitty's eyes light up. "You can't have it annulled once you have consummated it. It was registered the day after you were wed. You have been married for the last five years." Miya says, watching Kitty stabbing at the cork with a pen.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me! I am going to kill him...can you annul it then?" Kitty huffs out, switching the pen for a pair of scissors.

"No. That would be murder."

"It's a sacrifice I am willing to take."

Miya lets out a sigh and produce's a corkscrew from one of her magic draws. "As your lawyer, I would defend and lie for you. But as your sister I would...still defend and lie for you."

Kitty has the bottle of wine uncorked by the time Miya finishes her sentence. "Fuck! I am screwed...ignore the pun," she says holding up the corkscrew.

"Yes you are and when Jay finds out he is going to freak out. He'll get that weird acid reflux thing."

"We will hide it from him."

"Nice way to start your marriage."

Kitty takes a long sip from the wine bottle, wiping the excess wine on her lips with the back of her hand, "oh fuck off. You are the last person qualified to give me relationship advice. Didn't you marry your boyfriend's father?"


"Oh, my bad... ex-boyfriend's father - always keeping it classy, Miya," Kitty says taking another long sip from the bottle of wine. She is already halfway through the bottle. "Whatever, just call him and get him to sign the papers. It's not that hard," Kitty adds just before taking another sip. Miya is going to have to drive her home for sure.

"That's the thing, Kitty...I did. He won't sign the papers," Miya says. Kitty's jaw drops open, clutching the bottle to her chest like a baby. "That good for nothing bastard!" Her head is spinning a little but she is not sure if it's from the wine or from finally entering into a conversation about Austin. It's been five years since she has allowed herself to even think about that miserable asshole.

"He said, and I quote..." Miya says and watches Kitty carefully,  "you tell my wife that if she wants a divorce, she needs to come over with the papers herself."

Dickery...absolute dickery. 

Kitty finishes the bottle of wine and slams the empty bottle on Miya's desk. "Oh, I will deliver the papers myself and a fist to the mouth just for good measure. The dick. I hate him!" Miya snorts, standing she grabs the wine bottle and then throws it in the bin. Kitty feels her annoyance level rise at her sister's snort. It was judgemental and unprofessional seeing as she is technically her sister's client right now. "Excuse me? Did you just snort at me? Little bitchy don't you think?"

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