Promises, Promises

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Kitty finds herself sitting between Billy and a man smacking his lips together as he eats jelly beans in the back seat of a car that is vibrating with how loud the base is set. For the first time in a long time, she regrets being so hard-ass. She never wanted to come in the first place. Dam Austin's bull of a mouth. "How much did Austin tell you about me?" Billy shouts at Kitty over the music and wind, looking at Kitty with a mock guilty pout.  Aww, shit is she going to play this game. Kitty really should have just stayed at home. "Nothing. I didn't even know you existed before tonight...I will probably forget about you tomorrow though so don't take it too personally," Kitty shouts back. Billy's mouth drops open then she sits up straighter and glares at Kitty.

"He did not tell you about me because we are sleeping together."


"We are!"


Kitty is not stupid. It's been five years. She never expected Austin to stay celibate, she hasn't and they have already had this conversation. Besides, Austin hates needy whiny women and that's what Billy is. Billy crosses her arms and pouts.

"Ok fine but we were heading that way."

"No, you weren't."

"We were!"


"Oh my gosh! You are infuriating!"

"And you are desperate."

Billy looks at Kitty again with a glare and then turns to pout out the window. Kitty is not gutted that ridiculous pointless conversation is over. She turns to look at jellybean man. He looks happy very happy - too happy. He holds up a pink jellybean for Kitty to take but it looks sticky from his hand sweat. She puts up her hand, "no thanks," she mouths.

"What?" he shouts.

"No thanks," she says a bit louder.

"What? Music is too loud!" he shouts.

"No thanks!" Kitty shouts.

"Ok, geez. No need to shout at me. Here, would you like this pink jellybean?" he asks. Kitty frowns. His pupils look a little dilated. "What type of jellybean is that?" she asks. The man smiles wide, "oh the best kind. Edibles," he says. Kitty's eyes go wide and then a few things dawn on her. This is why Austin had not wanted her to go and why he said Billy was not the good type of trouble. Also how the hell is jellybean guy still alive? "How many jellybeans have you had?" Kitty asks him. "Twelve," he says confidently. Kitty gives him a pointed look. "Twenty?" He says, but it sounds more like a question. "How the fuck are you still alive?" She asks him. "Honestly? I don't know," he answers.

"Ok, well no more," Kitty instructs him.  His face falls and he holds up his pink jellybean. "Can I at least have this one?" He asks. Kitty slaps it out of his hand and then stamps on it with her boot. "No more," she says. Jellybean man looks like he is going to cry then throws his arms around her, "you saved my life," he says. Yup. High as fuck. Thankfully they have arrived at the night club so Kitty wriggles out his arms and gets out of the car. Billy and all her friends stand around in a circle and honestly Kitty fully regrets her choice to come. But she will never admit that out loud.

"Here," Billy says holding out her hand palm up. Kitty can see a little white pill. Oh, come on. Didn't they have a 'just say no to drugs' day at school? Kitty rolls her eyes then turns around and walks into the nightclub on her own. She is done with them. She is going to have a drink at the bar and then go home. Austin was right but he will never know. She plans on lying to him when she gets home and will tell him she had the best time ever.

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