Wedding Ring

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Kitty makes her way home stopping at two Goodwill stores and buying eight travel bags, an old shopping cart, and enough books to fill the shopping cart. She then pays a couple of kids to carry the bags home while she pushes the cart full of books. Once in her apartment, she fills the eight bags with the books as well as old paving bricks she had sitting on her patio gathering dust. She puts two in her bedroom, two in her lounge, one in her bathroom, and then three by the front door smiling at how heavy they are. She then pulls out a screwdriver from her toolbox in the hall cupboard then walks out to the elevator and damages a few of the buttons. She phones maintenance who hurry over and decommission the elevator while they complete safety checks. She gets a universal apartment message ten minutes later that says the elevators will be out of use for the rest of the evening. She lives on the tenth floor - perfect.

She then packs two bags with her clothing, toiletries, and other things she needs. She moves those bags out to the front door too. At ten minutes to six she hears a knock on her door. She shouts that she is indisposed and forever it is to want for her. She waits until then opens the door to see a very happy albeit a little out-of-breath Austin. "Ready to go, baby?" He asks. Kitty arches her eyebrow, "I hope you are not annoyed that you had to wait for out here for ten minutes," she says. Austin, still fucking grinning, shakes his head. "Not at all, I was early and happy to wait," he says cheerfully.

Kitty pretends to try and pick up the two bags with her clothing in them, but can't seem to lift them far,  "Oh dear, so heavy," she says. Austin leaps forward and takes them, "no, let me carry your bags," he says. "Oh but I have another three to take," she says pointing to the other three bags. Austin looks past her and frowns. "I am pretty sure you know I have a personal hate for over-packing. Too many bags is a pain in my ass, Kitty. And to top it off your elevator is broken," he says. Kitty pouts a little and nods making sure to look at Austin with big doe eyes. "Oh, ok. I just figured seeing as I was leaving my entire life for a whole month to give you what you want, you would not mind me bringing things that would make me feel like I was at home," she says and turns to close and lock her front door but Austin stops her. "No, it's ok. Of course, it's ok, baby. You can bring whatever you want. I will walk you down with these two bags and then send Tiny up to get those three."

Kitty scrunches her face. "What is it now?" Austin moans. Kitty pouts a little more and makes her doe eyes a little bigger, "it's just that I don't want just anyone touching my stuff...I know it's stupid. I don't like the thought of my little lace panties with those little pink bows, you know the ones...that cup my ass like-" Austin cuts her off with a groan and a sigh. "No! Just...I will take you down and then come back for them," he says. Kitty smiles, "oh thank you so much, Austin," she says and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek then turns and makes her way down the ten flights of stairs to Austin's car. Austin puts her bags in the trunk and then walks her around to the passenger side opening the door and helping her get in. She greets Tiny who is sitting in the driver's spot.

Austin then runs back up to the apartment and a long while later he appears red-faced and sweating with the three bags Kitty had placed at the front door and places them in the trunk. Kitty gets out of her seat and looks at the bags in the trunk. "Where did you get those bags?" She asks. "From the front door. They are the ones you pointed to, Kitty," Austin replies, his eye twitching a little. "What about the two I left in my bedroom? Oh, and the two in the lounge."

"You did not tell me about those, Kitty. You have five bags that not enough?" Austin moans, trying very hard to mask his frustration. Kitty pouts then turns toward the apartment building. "Don't worry. You have done enough for me. You stay here and I will get them," she says. But Austins holds out his hand and stops her. "No, no it's ok. If you want them I will get them," he says. Kitty jumps a little and claps her hands like she had seen those Valley girls do in movies, "oh thank you, Austy!" she exclaims. Austin squint's at her in suspicion but goes back into the apartment building without a word.

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