Something Old

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Kitty feels like she is going to vomit all over this beautiful marble floor. She has not been able to stop her hands from shaking for weeks now. Honey continually rubs up against her ankles in an attempt to calm her and although Kitty does not know how she would have survived these last eight months without Honey - right now she is doing nothing to calm her nerves. "Miss Honey, please! I know you are trying to help but you are making my nerves worse. Why don't you go and greet my guests?" Kitty asks. Honey meows and then pops out the door, leaving Kitty all alone.

Kitty regrets sending Honey away immediately because now she is alone with her thoughts and that's not a good thing right now. She is hiding in her office and hoping like fuck some people have shown up for her official studio opening and art display. She has some art from her past and a bunch from the last few months. She hasn't put down her paintbrush. She has changed a lot in the last few months but she doesn't think she will ever not care what people will think of her art. Each painting has her heart and soul in it - if someone hates it, that is a personal stab at Kitty.


Kitty spins around and has to actively control herself from freaking out. She takes a deep breath and calms herself, or at least tries to calm herself. "Just tell me straight. Don't sugar coat one has bothered to come, have they?" Kitty asks. Miya closes the office door behind her and flashes Kitty a huge smile. "Ten times the people have arrived. So many more than we expected. Luke had to send some of his staff to get more cheese and wine from his restaurant," Miya says. Ok, that's good. That's good, right? People would only bother coming if they liked her work.

There is another knock on the office door. Miya opens it a little and sticks her head out. She pulls her head in and flashes Kitty another grin then opens the door. Kitty lets out a little squeak when she sees Chef Alex. "Oh, you came!" Kitty says walking towards her and opening her arms. "I would not miss this for the world," Chef Alex says and pulls Kitty in for a hug. "Here, I made you this," she says handing Kitty a bottle of something that looks a little like cloudy river water. Kitty looks at her a little confused, "umm...thanks...I think," she says. Chef Alex lets out a little laugh. "It's a ginger beer with a little kick. It's my grandmother's recipe. It does everything from calming nerves to cleaning engines," she says.

"Well then in that case..." Kitty says un-capping the bottle and taking a big sip. It knocks the wind right out of her chest. "Holy fuck!" Kitty says trying to catch her breath. Both Miya and Chef Alex end up laughing at Kitty. "Careful. That stuff is potent," Chef Alex says. Kitty takes another sip and shakes her head until she can swallow it. "I just wanted to say hi. Let you know that I came. Your art is beautiful and I can see how much each painting was made with so much care, Kitty. You should be very proud of yourself," Chef Alex says. Kitty feels a little mellow already from the ginger beer. She has so much to thank Chef Alex for, the woman has always had her back with no judgments or any demands. "Thank you for coming tonight and thank you for everything," Kitty says.

Chef Alex shrugs and steps out the office door. "Any time, Kitty. We will meet up for lunch one day soon. I heard there is a new restaurant that has just opened in town...has the second best chef in these parts behind the dishes," she smiles and winks before shutting the door. "You ready to go out there and open this place officially?" Miya asks taking the ginger beer from Kitty and placing it on the desk. "Almost. Just give me five more minutes," Kitty says. She is not sure if she will ever be ready to face her biggest fear. There is another knock on the door suddenly. Miya goes to open it but whoever knocked has limited patience and has already started opening the door.

Luke pops his head in and Kitty can see he has become just as stressed out as she is. He had left the office an hour ago as guests started arriving and he had been all happy-go-lucky and smiley but now he looks like he has seen a ghost. "What is it? What's wrong?" Kitty asks, feeling her nerves tingle up her stomach again. "Nothing is wrong, Kitty. But...he is here," Luke says. Kitty looks over at Miya. "He came. I can't believe he came after all I put him through," Kitty says.

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