Our Bed

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"Kitty, you have put me through the wringer today. Are you being serious right now?" Austin asks, his hands landing firmly on his hips. Kitty has pushed him hard today but she can not let him get into that bed. She needs to put some distance between them, and drive a wedge.

"I am very serious, besides I don't think the bed is big enough...I sleep on my back with my arms and legs out like a starfish, and I don't like to be touched," she says from the opposite side of the bed while staring him down. Honey is on the bed running around like she is on a big fucking adventure, not a care in the world. Austin's mouth drops open, "I never took you for a lier, Miss Kitty!" he says, his voice raised. He is on the edge, if she pushes him a little further he will lose his cool. He is a passionate man. But Kitty hates being called a liar even when she is lying so she can't let that slide.

"How dare you call me a lier! You don't know everything about me!" she says back, her voice now also starting to rise. Austin rolls his eyes and leans forward, "I will tell you what I do know. You sleep in a ball like a little kitten when you are alone and when you are with me you like to tangle your feet in mine and rest your head right here," he taps his chest with his hand then leans over a little further with a smirk, "and as for being touched...well I know you like that very much," his voice now suggestive as he wriggles his eyebrows.

Cheeky shit.

"Get out! You are not sleeping in this bed with me! Get! Out! Now!" She shouts at the top of her voice like a petulant child, crossing her arms and stamping her foot to drive home her point. Austin's jaw clenches and he glares at her. "Pain in my fucking ass," he grumbles then reaches up and yanks his pillow off his side of the bed. He stamps over to a chair in the corner and grabs the blanket draped over it. He throws Kitty an unimpressed look and then walks out the bedroom door while Kitty watches him.

He does not get far. Kitty watches him throw his pillow on the passage floor and then lie down on his back with the blanket draped over his legs. Ankles and arms crossed. Kitty watches in disbelief. What is wrong with him? She stamps over to him. He is going to get an earful and he is going fucking regret it, arrogant ass.

"What are you doing?"

"Sleeping," he says, his eyes closed.

"How many guest rooms do you have in this fucking house?"


"Well then go sleep in one."

"I am not a guest, those rooms are for guests."

"Then I will sleep in one."

"You will not. You are not a guest," he says now looking at her with one eye open. Kitty stares him down then takes a step back and grabs the handles of the big double doors, "fine! Sleep there then, but don't come crying to me when you are all stiff and painful tomorrow morning!" she throws at him then slams the bedroom doors. He won't win this. He can sleep in the passage all night - all month even but she will never let him sleep in this bed with her.


Honey has curled up in a little ball in the middle of the bed and Kitty picks her up carefully. "You sleep on this cushion in the corner until you are big enough for me not to worry that I will squish you in my sleep," she says, kissing Honey on the head as she puts her down. She climbs into the super, super King size bed and turns off the side lamp. She tries to close her eyes and drift off but they keep popping open every time she hears Austin shift. He is a stubborn man - that is a trait that has never changed it seems. If it's as strong as it was at 18 he will be there all night.

"Fuck, I think I have twisted something," Kitty says slumping down on the footpath and grabbing her ankle. Austin kneels beside her and carefully pulls off her trainer and sock. "Aww,  baby," he coos at her already black and swollen ankle. "Don't touch it! You will juggle the bones and they will end up amputating my foot," Kitty says trying to blink away the tears as Austin inspects her foot.

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