Wedding Gift

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Kitty's pencil stills as she watches Tiny and Jess start walking up a pathway on her Mountain hill. She had come out this morning to do her yoga and sketch the sunrise but Tiny and Jess have her attention now. She can see their hands are clasped together and today they walk leisurely as opposed to how they normally zoom up and down the pathways. She wonders what their story is. She remembers Tiny telling her that it took Jess three years to even get him to realize that she was flirting with him. She doesn't know how long they have been together she knows they are married.

From the time she has spent with them she has learned that they are very much in love. They call each other out on their shit but if you insult one you will have the other to deal with. They are an extension of each other and they are most definitely not afraid of exaggerated displays of affection. They have no shame in letting the world know exactly how they feel about each other. They are sweet and kind, soft-hearted and unapologetically loyal to each other and those they consider family. Austin and Kitty sit firmly in that family category. Tiny is also the size of a small house and Jess is the female version of the hulk.

Kitty feels Austin sit down next to her. He places a cup of steaming coffee in front of her then crosses his legs and imitates how she is sitting. The fond smile on Kitty's face is imminent. "Back straight, Love," she says softly tapping between his shoulder blades. He straightens his back and smiles when Honey climbs off Kitty's lap and onto his. Kitty looks back to her mountain hill.

"Can I talk?" Austin's voice disturbs the early morning silence. Kitty ignores him, hoping her silence indicates her answer to him. Tiny and Jess are almost at the top of the mountain hill. Austin stays quiet until they reach the top and then start their descent. They are still hand in hand. Tiny says something to Jess that makes her blush. It's sweet.


"Is what you want to say important?"


"Speak then."

"You sure?"

Kitty breaks her pose and turns to Austin who keeps his pose, but he is slouching again. "Back straight. You ask me if you can talk, I say yes, then you ask if I am sure - we are going in circles here. Just say your piece," she says reaching over to pick up her coffee and then lying on her side, propped up on her elbow. "Talk, Love," she says. Austin smiles, "I like when you call me that," he says. Kitty bumps his arm with her foot, "you are getting sidetracked," she says.

"Ok, sorry. The handcuffs -" Kitty's groan cuts him off. "Austin, I have already apologized. If you broke my meditation just to get me to apologize again I am going to be pissed," she warns then takes a sip of her coffee. "Do we need a lawyer? Should I call James?" He asks, his face a mix of worry and seriousness. What the fuck is this man on? Kitty is lost. She takes another sip of her coffee and then cocks her head. "Explain what is going on in that head of yours, Austin...Love," she requests.

"Tiny looked at those cuffs, they are police issue and you mentioned a bad decision involving a police officer. I have to say I am slightly concerned."

Kitty lets her head drop back, taking a deep breath in through her nose and filling her lungs. Austin likes to talk about everything. It's annoying, but also a little sweet. She stands up on her knees and shuffles over to Austin, scooping up a sleeping Honey and cuddling her to her chest as she straddles Austin's lap. He wraps his arms automatically around her waist. Then she looks at him.

"I might have been arrested a few times over the years, nothing serious. A pub fight here and there. A kidnapped goat...long story. There was a silly misunderstanding around a borrowed boat. Another misunderstanding around a few borrowed street signs. There was an incident involving a rented bulldozer...and a rented tractor, oh and a rented chainsaw. Also, your truck might not have been the first truck that blew up while I was in the general vicinity."

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