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Kitty checks herself one more time in the mirror. She is wearing a floor-length, off-the-shoulder form-fitting black gown with a thigh-high slit. It's eye-catching and gives her a sultry silhouette - it's one of her all-time favorite gowns. She has paired it with simple black stilettos and left her wavy chocolate brown chest-length hair down and a little messy. She might have had a tiny meltdown after yoga and cut a fringe in her hair, but she does not want to talk about it.

She hears a knock on her door so she grabs her clutch and goes to open her door. Jay is typing on his phone when she opens the door and she counts to 13 before he even looks up and acknowledges her. "Women are more of a liability than anything else but are hot. If I didn't have people I wanted to show you off to tonight I would suggest we skip the dinner and I could make you one lucky lady," he says dragging his eyes up and down her body.

His stupid derogatory comment deserves no acknowledgment so Kitty ignores him, pulls her door shut, and walks toward the elevator. Jay runs behind her. Once in the elevator, she feels Jay snake his arms around her and pulls her close from behind. "No hello kiss for the man of your dreams?" he asks. In the past, she tolerated his touch and kisses but right now it kind of makes her skin crawl. It's just because Austin turned everything upside down with his stupid games. This will pass, she just has to push through.

She spins in Jay's arms and makes herself giggle then throws her arms around his neck, "kiss me," she says. Jay leans down and kisses her - too much lip, too much tongue, and far too much spit. She has to wipe the spit from her chin when they pull apart as the elevator doors open. Jay has hired a car with a driver to the Opera house so the journey is spent trying to avoid Jay's groping hand and then pretending to love it when he does get ahold of her.

She has been to a number of these Opera house dinners, they are boring and more often than not just rich men showing off their wealth and woman. It's a charitable thing so there are bound to be some good people there. Kitty hopes there will be more good than shitty superficial people. They enter the main hall with Jay walking a few steps ahead of her. There must be about three hundred people. It's usually a low boring hum of conversations going on but tonight feels different there is slight electricity in the air and everyone seems a little excited - a little extra chatty. The women who usually walk around with bored faces now have bright eyes and little hand giggles. There is also a large group crowded around the bar, but none one is ordering any drinks, they all seem captivated by one man leaning lazily against the bar.

No! Oh no, no, no. This can't be happening. Kitty must be hallucinating, she is too stressed and seeing things that are not there. But then she hears his big belly laugh echoing through the crowd and slamming into her chest.  Fucking Austin. Kitty reaches out and loops her arm through Jay's elbow, practically plastering herself to his side. "Come on my perfect man, show me off. I am feeling extra needy tonight so if you rub me the right way tonight - you get a prize," she says and kisses him on his cheek.

By the third couple, she and Jay talk to Kitty feels like there is a set of lasers trained on her back, burning her skin. She knows she has caught Austin's eye and she bets if she turns to look she would see a man on the edge of insanity. She feels Jay's hand on the small of her back and then it slowly starts to move down to her ass where he gives it a quick squeeze. Austin will have an unobscured view and she does not do a dam thing to stop Jay. They move on to a few more couples and Kitty is sure to touch and be touched as much as possible. By the time they make it to their table Jay is sweating but he is not complaining.

"I need to go to the loo. Freshen up a bit," she says to Jay. "Fine but make sure you are back by the time the concert starts," he answers her. Kitty slips away from the great hall and walks down the winding hallways to get to the loo. She goes inside and freshens up then makes her way back. As she opens the door leading back into the grand hall a hand reaches out and pulls her out onto a side balcony. Then she is pushed up against the wall. Austin's face is in her face and he looks as mad as a bull as he looks at Kitty with fiery eyes.

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