Lady of the house

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"Excuse me, ma'am."

Kitty spins around and watches as a man and woman walk across the backyard toward her. They are dressed smart and look like lawyers. Oh shit. Has she finally pushed Austin over the edge? But he was fine when he left to do an interview this morning and he certainly has no idea what she is busy doing right now. Unless Chef Alex is a snitch and has phoned him.

"You are Kitty Post?" the man asks when he reaches her. Kitty rolls her eyes. She should just say yes to avoid confusion. But she can't help herself. "Lancer. I am Kitty Lancer," Kitty says. The man smiles and puts out his hand for Kitty to take. "Mr. Post said you would say that and that we were just to ignore you. I am James and this is Jenelle," James says shaking Kitty's hand and pointing to the woman next to him, Janelle. Janelle chooses to cross her arms in front of her chest and give Kitty a tight-lipped smile.

"Uh, is everything alright with Austin's pool?" Janelle asks. Kitty turns back to the pool. "Oh yes. I am just preparing to drain it. We were thinking of revamping. Hey," Kitty says turning to James, "you look like a strong man. I am battling with the start-up of this old generator. Mind helping a girl out and giving it a good yank?" Kitty says sweetly. James hands the folder in his hands to Janelle and jumps in to start the generator.

He yanks the rope three times and then it starts with a loud bang and crackle. Honey jumps into Kitty's arms with a screech. "Hi sorry, Miss Honey. But's working," Kitty says as she, James, and Janelle watch the generator starts the water pump that starts to siphon water out of the pool and into the giant pipe she had found in one of the rooms in the pool house.

" you realize the pipe is leading into a door leading into Austin's could flood his house," Jenelle says in an annoyed tone. That's interesting. Kitty weighs her up for a beat. "The front sunken lounge, the dining room, and the front entryway to be exact," Kitty says with a bit of a laugh. The back kitchen door opens and Chef Alex comes striding out with her bag. "I am leaving now. Dinner is in the warmer. I am not sticking around for this shit show," she says. Kitty frowns. "But it's nowhere near your clocking off time! You can't just take advantage of your work day like this!" Kitty shouts at her back.

Chef Alex turns around and shrugs, "Fuck off, Kitty. And if you so much as get one drop of water in my kitchen I want a brand new kitchen," Chef Alex says and turns back around walking off to her car. "Hey! What about my lunch?" Kitty shouts. "There are apples in the fridge!" Chef Alex shouts back as she gets into her car.

Kitty turns back to look at James and Jenelle. "I will tell you I am only been the lady of this house for a few weeks and finding loyal staff is hard to come by...nobody supports my ideas," she says with a pout. Honey meows. "Except for you, Honey," Kitty says rubbing her nose on the side of Honey's face. "Well, Alex is a professional chef. One of the best in LA," Janelle says in a bit of a huff. What the fuck? "The only thing Chef Alex is professional at is being a pain in my ass...but I will agree that she is the best chef in LA," Kitty says. James laughs but Janelle does not. Sour cow.

"So, James and Janelle...who are you, and why are you looking for me?" Kitty asks. James gives his attention to Kitty while Janelle is still looking at the pipe with a worried face. "We are Mr. Post's lawyers," he says. Kitty stiffens. She knew they were lawyers. Annoyance creeps up her spine. She knew Austin was up to something by insisting she come here for this month. She should have known. Austin is a brilliant actor he was probably just acting these last few weeks.

He has gotten her all soft and shit and now he has disappeared and sent his dogs after her. That asshole. She is going to flood his whole fucking house - except for the kitchen. Fuck. How could she be so stupid? Well, she does not want to hear anything they have to say. She only wants his signature on those divorce papers. She should never have let her guard down.

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