First date

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"You yellow-livered coward! I ought to show you who is boss right here...right now!"

"Go on, I dare you. You don't have the balls!"

"That's not what your wife said when you were out of town."

"What? You fucked my wife? I expected that from her. But you? You are my brother!" Kitty shouts then stands and kicks the bar stool she had been sitting on across the room. She grabs her glass of water and chucks it in Austin's surprised face. "How could you betray me like that, Parker! You have ruined not only my life but my son's life too! You are the lowest of the low and you will pray for mercy by the time I am done with you!" She shouts even louder and bangs her fist on the bar. Austin starts laughing. "Yes, laugh!" she shouts, "you low life!" she bangs her hand down on the bar again.

Austin grabs her wrists and pulls her close to his chest, still laughing. "End scene. End scene, Kitty!" he says between his laughing, "fucking hell, you get so invested. You need to stop going off script. Water in my face and the bar stool across the room, really?" he questions. "Sorry! I just can't believe Parker sleeps with Mitches wife. What a dick! Why do you have to play the asshole brother? Why play the bad guy?" Kitty moans. Austin chuckles and pulls her even closer, wrapping his arms around her waist, "I don't know. I just feel drawn to be the bad guy. I like playing the bad guy...most bad guys are just misunderstood."

Kitty snorts, "whatever. Keep telling yourself that." Austin grins then leans down and kisses her. Kitty's knees feel weak whenever he slides his tongue into her mouth. She needs to find a way to get used to him kissing her but she knows deep down she never will. "Come on. Let's take a break, I want to take you somewhere," Austin says breaking the kiss and standing up. "Can I bring Honey?" Kitty asks. Austin laughs and picks up Honey who has been sleeping on a mat in the late afternoon sun. He drops her in Kitty's arms, "I would have it no other way, baby. Come on," he says. Kitty follows him out the back door and into the garage. It's the first time she has been in there. She has been banned from the garage by Greg after the sugar in the last tank accident. It's best for everyone.

The garage is huge, there must be about 20 cars parked in it. Very expensive-looking cars. Austin walks to the end of the garage and then stands in front of a car that has a large car cover over it. He smiles at Kitty and then whips the car cover off. It takes Kitty a moment to realize what she is looking at but when she does she gasps. "You sentimental old sap," she says. Austin laughs again, he walks over to his beat-up old truck and opens the creaking passenger door. "This beauty holds so many memories. I got her the day I met you, she took us on our first date and was our chariot to so many high school memories. She took us to that graduation party I asked you to marry me at. She got us to our wedding day and me here. She's more than just an old truck. Want to go for a drive?"

It's that time of day Kitty should push a button. She could break a headlight or just plain out refuse to travel in such a ratty old truck. But she loves that stupid old truck and she could not stop the smile that stretched her lips as Austin spoke. Every Friday night was spent in the back of that old truck, many of her firsts were in that truck and most of their plans and promises were made while wrapped up in each other on the back of that truck. Kitty understands why Austin had kept it. Why he will always keep it.

"Yes I do," she says getting in. Austin whoops and bangs on the hood as he runs around to the driver's side then hops in and shifts it into reverse. "Just like old times, baby! I am going to make you sing to the moon tonight!" he says as he backs his truck out of the garage. Kitty's laugh bubbles up and out of her chest. Is it weird that she has not laughed like this in years? "There will be no touching. Keep your hands to yourself," she says winding down her window and letting the wind whip at her hair. "I will make no such promise, baby," Austin says grinning as he looks out the windscreen.

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