Till Death do we part

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Kitty watches Jacob grab the rope swing and then take a running leap off the side of the cliff. He swings a few times over the lake then let's go and does a summersault into the cool dark water below as everyone cheers him on. Shit. "Your turn, baby," Austin says. He walks to the edge of the cliff and waits for Becky to swim over with the rope swing, whipping it to him. He grabs it and walks back over to Kitty. Grinning, he hands the rope swing to her. She takes it, holding it tightly and digging her heels into the rock as she feels the pull of the branch wanting to spring her over the cliff edge.

"You are shaking. You don't have to do this, baby," Austin says with a chuckle as he steps behind her and wraps his arms around her waist. "I have to. You heard my big mouth telling everyone down there that I was not afraid and that I would do this with my eyes closed. I would rather die than take back my words," she snips. Austins laughs out with his head thrown back, "you are hard-headed...it's sexy," he says and bites her neck playfully.

"Can you swing with me?" she asks in a moment of weakness. Austin lets her go and stands in front of her, wrapping his hands around her shaking white-knuckled ones. "The swing won't hold us both, baby. This, you will have to do on your own," he says. She looks over his shoulder, the lake is huge and the cliff is high. Dam her stupid big mouth. "What's the worst that can happen?" Austin asks. "I could lose my grip and fall off the rope swing too early resulting in me landing in the shallow waters, hitting my head just right on a rock that shatters my spine from the neck down leaving me paralyzed for the rest of my life," she answers his easily.

Austin's eyes widen as she talks and then he looks around a little worried, "um...maybe none of us should be doing this," he says. Kitty rolls her eyes. "Relax. Kids from this neighborhood have been doing this for years and they picked this spot because there are no shallow waters," she says. Austins looks at her with a frown, "Kitty! Why did you put that thought in my head! For fucks sake," he complains. "Don't make this about you, Austin! I am the one having to fling myself off this cliff!"

"But you -" Austin stops himself and pinches the bridge of his nose to calm himself. "Kitty, I wish you could see what I watch you. Just jump. I can not do it with you. You will not get paralyzed or die and I will be down there watching the whole thing."

"No. You need to do it with me!"

"I can't!"

"But they are your friends, Austin!"

"And it was your big mouth, Kitty!"

Tears spring into Kitty's eyes and Austin immediately softens. "Don't cry, baby," he says. "I am not crying!" Kitty shouts. She is hyped up and balancing on a knife edge but so is Austin. One of them has to calm the fuck down. They both know that even though they are both 18 and born on the same day it was going to need to be Austin who had to be the adult here. In the six months, they have been dating they had learned very quickly that Kitty brought chaos and irrational demands to their relationship while Austin was the voice of reason that offered a calm moment for them both. Although Kitty certainly knew how to push him to his very limits, he was also the only one she heard. Today was going to be no different.

"Baby, I can't be there for everything."

"Why not!"

"Hush now," he says sternly, "you do not need me. I am a comfort blanket you hide behind. Suck it up now. Hold tight, jump, swing, let go. I will be watching. I will be cheering...ok?"

Kitty swallows the lump in her throat and wipes the tears on her cheeks. She squares her shoulders and gives Austin a curt nod. "Ok," she says determinedly. "That's my girl," he says kissing her on the cheek. Then he turns and runs full speed toward the edge of the cliff and jumps off. She waits till she hears a splash.

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