Something New

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"Fuck, Kitty! Do. Not. Touch. Me!"

"It's not my fault you can't multi-task...guess we have finally found something the great Austin Post is not good at."

"Absolutely not! I can't be penalized for this! Any man would drive this truck into a ditch with the way your mouth wraps around my...junk," Austin says with slightly pink cheeks. Kitty loves a dominant Austin in bed, but a slightly flushed one - well, that sends shivers up her spine. She shuffles closer and plasters herself onto his side. Sucking on his earlobe and sliding her hand between his thighs.

"One man's junk is another woman's treasure."

"Fuck. We are both going to die in a fucking ditch!"

Kitty detaches herself from Austin and slides back to the passenger side, smirking at the disgruntled sound he makes. Austin grips the wheel tighter and keeps his eyes on the road when Kitty acts like nothing has happened. As if she is completely unaffected which she knows only winds Austin up even more.

"Thank fuck," Austin mumbles to himself as they pull up to the big black gates of the house. Austin taps the breaks a little too hard causing Kitty to jerk forward in her seat and snort out a laugh. "Calm down, Austin. You are acting like a fucking hormonal teenage boy," she says between her laughing. Austin whips his head around to look at Kitty with his mouth dropped open. "This is all your fault!" he says then whips his head back to look at the guard who is walking slowly over to the car from the guard house. "What are you going? You can see it's me! Open the fucking gate!" he says a little too harshly. The guard stops abruptly and then nods with a knowing smirk when he sees Kitty in the car. Kitty gasps dramatically.

"Austin. Apologize. It's not his fault you are all pent up."

Austin lets out a heavy sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Sorry!" he calls out then looks out his window at the guard, "I am sorry..." he says. The guard turns back and ducks his head to look at Kitty. "Evening Mrs. Post...I see you have started your shit early...welcome home. It's all good Mr. Post," he says then turns back to the guard house. Kitty lets out another laugh as Austin fishmouths.

The gates open and Austin shakes his head, aligning his thoughts. "Seems your reputation proceeds itself Kitty-cat," he says then puts his foot on the gas. Kitty giggles then whips her top off and leans over, "Seems it has, Mr. Post," she purrs. "Fuck my life," Austin groans as he speeds way too fast up the driveway. He brings the truck to a stop outside the closed garage doors. Not wanting to waste time he cuts the engine and turns to grab Kitty intending to pull her into the house but she has somehow managed to also take her bra off too. Austin is never a rational man near a naked Kitty.

"Now you have fucking gone and done it," he says wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her out of the truck. Kitty plasters herself to his body and connects their lips swallowing Austin's moans. He suddenly pushes her off him and swings her up into the back of the truck. She is expecting to be met with cold hard metal but is pleasantly surprised by soft blankets and pillows. Kitty gasps. "Austin! Either you have been taking other girls on first dates or you had expectations that worked in your favor tonight," she says. Austin smirks and hands her the bottle of ginger beer then places Honey on a pillow in the corner.

"You didn't honestly expect me to have left alone tonight," he says climbing up onto the back. "Eight months, Kitty. Eight fucking months of being in the same fucking town and purposely having to keep my distance. There was not a fucking chance I was leaving there without you," he says stepping closer and pulling her towards him. "Oh, so you just assumed I would put out and threw blankets and pillows into the back of your truck," Kitty asks with a smile. "Oh, these blankets and pillows? No. These blankets and pillows are from my first date with some random girl I wooed last week," he says with a cheeky laugh.

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