The Elephant in the room

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It scares Kitty how quickly and easily they swing back into a happy domestic bubble no matter how hard she pushes at driving the man insane. She has pushed him to his limits - we don't talk about Austin's collectible Elvis suit that Kitty put up for auction. Even though the man goes red-faced clenched-jawed, and yes, at times, blows his top at her. By the time night falls and after she has pushed his very last nerve with her stupid pillow wall. He wins again because somehow Kitty always falls asleep back in a domestic bubble and wakes up in one too. No matter how hard she tries.

Today is no different. She has woken up wrapped up in Austin, happily...again. She needs to up her game. But Austin is like a fucking rubber band with smiley faces on it. She has to think of something that would have him calling it quits. Something so big that would have him telling her to get out of his life for good. Something so infuriating that he would print the divorce papers out twice just so he could sign them twice.

But it's like there is just nothing she can do. After her plans to set his bar on fire she is shit out of ideas. She knows he is going to be pissed about the bar, there are some pretty expensive bottles of wine and whisky in there but she also knows he is going to be mad, maybe swear and shout for an hour or two max. Then he will forgive her. He is completely unrealistic and quite frankly annoying.

"I can practically feel your head throbbing with ideas on how to piss me the fuck off," he says then rolls them so he is lying on top of her, "I wish you would put this much investment into giving me a chance and just accepting this is where you belong," he says, dipping his head to kiss her lips quickly. "You should have thought about that five years ago," Kitty challenges. Kitty should also keep her mouth shut. Because the way Austin's face drops with her words makes her feel sick.

"Let's talk about it, Kitty. Right now. Let's hash it so we can bury it and move on," he says. "What if we can not? What if I can't just bury it? What if whatever you have to say to me eats away at me making me bitter and sour for the rest of my life?" she asks. Austin frowns at her. Her logic is lost on him. "And what if you don't? What if what I have to say is something you can forgive? What if...what if we love each other enough to try?" Austin says.

"Like in a fairytale?"

"Maybe. Maybe just like a fairytale."

"Remind me which fairytale has the Prince fucking off and leaving the princess with a broken heart?"

"Baby, if you would just listen to"

"I am not ready to talk about this!" Kitty cuts him off and pushes him up so he sits on his knees between her legs. Austin's face goes red in anger and he throws his hands in the air. "When then? When, Kitty? Please tell me so I can at least fucking prepare myself and stop fucking begging you to talk to me!" Kitty glares at him. Today is going south real fast and Kitty is not going to try and slow it down one bit.

"Oh, I am so sorry for making you wait five minutes! Try five fucking years and then you can talk to me about begging!"

"Now that is not fair, Kitty!"

"Not fair? Not fair?" Kitty shouts and gets off the bed then storms into the bathroom slamming the door as hard as she can and locking it. Fuck him. He disappears on her and then five years later drags her back here and forces her to sit and listen to him tell her how he did not love her as much as she loved him. Well, no thank you. She was going to give up everything for him. The crazy thing is that even though he left her she still gave up everything for him. Her life came to a grinding halt the day he fucked off.

Today she hates him. Today Austin is an asshole and nothing he does and says is going to change that. And she is not talking about it. She sits on the floor facing the door and she can see Austin's shadow moving on the other side of the door. He knows knocking on the door would be futile right now. Kitty turns on the shower and steps in, might as well kill two birds with one stone. Shower and calm down. 10 minutes later she steps out and drys herself then opens the bathroom door and walks naked past Austin who is sitting on the end of their bed with Honey on her way to her walk-in closet.

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