driving me crazy [ leo x reader ]

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        You went inside your dream world, hugging yourself. You were warm now, thanks to him. And he called you baby! That drove you insane every time it left his mouth.

        "Hey, Y/N?"

        You looked towards the doorway of your apartment. Leo Valdez stood there, Mc Donalds in one hand, a blanket in the other. You smiled at his goofy smile. Your heart fluttered.

        Leo Valdez was an idiot,

        But he still drove you're heart crazy.

        "Hey Leo," You smiled. He blushed, seeing you in his baggy hoodie. "What? It's cold," You pouted, hoping he wouldn't make you take it off. He rolled his eyes, his dorky smile never leaving his lips.

        and his lips

        You wanted to kiss him so freaking badly, but... it hasn't happened.

        And it may never happen.

        It wasn't like you two were dating, but you were very close friends.

        When he called you 'Babe' and all that? He was just flirting around, like he usually does.

        But... you both seemed so nervous. You could see it in his elvish features. He always tapped his fingers on his front pockets every time he's nervous. You would know- you've been friends with him for quite a while.

        But sometimes you wish that you could have the courage to ask him out. When will that happen? It's not like you'd accidentally...

        "Do you want to go out sometime?" 

        The repair boy everyone knew so well... 

        had just broken you're heart.

        "You... didn't know?" You're heart broke at the words. "D-Didn't know what? Actually, I don't want to know. I'm sorry." You stood up, emotionless. He had a girlfriend. You walked into your room, leaving the couch where you sat. "And I'm keeping the hoodie." You slammed the door and heard him chuckle. You ripped off the hoodie and let everything out. Tears streamed down your face. You did know, now that you thought about it. You weren't there, at Camp Half-Blood, when Leo came back. You were where you are now- Camp Jupiter, taking exams and living a decently normal life. Annabeth had told you, but you didn't listen. "Calypso, that's her name, right?" You asked aloud. You knew Leo was at the door. "Yeah. She's pretty great. I gotta run, we were actually supposed t-" "Just... go.."

        That night?

        Probably the worst ever.


        But you never got over Leo Valdez. When you grew up, looking at him drove you insane. You adopted 2 kids from an orphanage, not ever liking anyone else. You didn't want to be hurt again.

        Even though being hurt was pretty much how you're supposed to live life the right way.

        Sorry I haven't updated in millenia *quite literally* but I have like, 32 billion accounts with stories so it's hard to keep up with them all.


        Yours in demigodishness and all that, Peace Out!

        -= HeyThereDelilah =-

        PS: I know I said no more Leo, but umm... I decided to make this one

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